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Flow Calibration

[…] Three methods of calibration see use when a weight or volume tank is the standard. In the static calibration method, the flow starts quickly to begin the test, holds steady during the test, and then shuts off at the end of the test. Compare the totalized reading from the flowmeter with the weight or […] … Continue reading

Flow Calibration By Burgess

[…] Three methods of calibration see use when a weight or volume tank is the standard. In the static calibration method, the flow starts quickly to begin the test, holds steady during the test, and then shuts off at the end of the test. Compare the totalized reading from the flowmeter with the weight or […] … Continue reading

23 Flow Swirl Anusha Rammohan

[…] describe detailed analysis using the measurements from the same impedance measurement system but placed with different pipe congurations, at different distances from the blind tee and with test data collected at different loops including the National Engineering Lab (NEL) in Scotland, UK and the South West Research Institute(SWRI) at Texas, USA. The conguration and […] … Continue reading

1985 11 K Lab A Laboratory For Improving Gas Flow Metering Accuracy Bosio Statoil

1985 11 K Lab A Laboratory For Improving Gas Flow Metering Accuracy Bosio Statoil

1996 03 North American Inter Laboratory Flow Measurement Testing Program Karnik NOVA

• • • • ”j(- /.3, NORTH AMERICAN INTER-LABORATORY FLOWMEASUREMENT TESTING PROGRAM Umesh Karnik, NOVAResearch & Technology Corporation, Calgary,CANADA. Edgar B.Bowles, Jr.,Southwest ResearchInstitute,SanAntonio, Texas,USA. Jan Bosio, StatoillKarst” Metering & Technology Laboratory,Haugesund, NORWAY. Steve Caldwell, ColoradoEngineering ExperimentStationInc.,Nunn, Colorado, USA. ABSTRACT Aninter-laboratory flowmeasurement testingprogram hasbeen established forthe purpose ofbenchmarking individualNorthAmerican facilitiesrelativetoeach other andtoother flow facilities inEurope. […] … Continue reading

1998 16 BP Multiphase Meter Application Experience Priddy BP

[…] BPExploration OperatingCompanyLimited 1 INVOLVEMENT HISTORY BP, likeother oilmajors, commenced fundingofresearch activityinthe early 1980s aimed at developing multiphase meters. Theobjective wastoprovide lowcost, compact, in-linemetering as an alternative towell testsystems usingseparator vesselsandsingle phaseflowmeters. Several research programmes havebeenfunded byBP. Principal amongthese,(andemerging commercially inthe industry today)weretheChristian Michelsen Research(CMR)/Fluenta, Framo andMFIJIPs andanin-house development whichwaslicensed toISA Controls Ltdin 1995. • […] … Continue reading

2003 22 Measurement Of Liquid Hydrocarbons By Ultrasonic Flow Meters Using Transit Time Technology De Boer Krohne

[…] representatives coming from the oil industry, the end-users, and partly of participants coming from the manufacturers’ side, both American and European suppliers. As a first step existing test data on ultrasonic flowmeters was gathered, in order to generate sufficient proof on the viability of the ultrasonic technology for use of the ultrasonic flowmeters in […] … Continue reading

2011 02 Horizontally Installed Orifice Plate Meter Response To Wet Gas Flows Stevens CEESI

[…] orifice meter has a smaller gas flow over -reading than Venturi and cone meters. An orifice meter gas / HCL wet gas correlation was offered for the tested range , which for a known liquid flow rate gave the gas flow rate to within 2 % uncertainty at 95% confidence. 2 Recently more data […] … Continue reading

2013 23 Flow Swirl And flow Profile Measurement In Multiphase flow Rammohan GE Global Research

[…] describe detailed analysis using the measurements from the same impedance measurement system but placed with different pipe congurations, at different distances from the blind tee and with test data collected at different loops including the National Engineering Lab (NEL) in Scotland, UK and the South West Research Institute(SWRI) at Texas, USA. The conguration and […] … Continue reading

2016 04 Proving Coriolis Meters With Small Volume Provers Patten Emerson

[…] s/n 12093963 MF vs Rate = • • 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Rate, bbl/hour Figure 1 -Micro Motion CMF HC4 Flow Test Conditions during the test were as follows: Table 1 -Operating Conditions during Flow Test of Fig. 1 r Avg T Avg Rate, Avg Viscosity, bbl/h Re […] … Continue reading

19 Investigation Of Coriolis Meter Performance Under Liquid, Dense, And Supercritical CCS Transport Conditions HWU Jimba

[…] work inves tigat es one of the se industry relevant and commercially available flow meters : a Coriolis mass flow meter . A Coriolis flow meter was tested und er pr es sure and temperature conditions relevant for CCS transport ation . The Coriolis flow met er perf romance was assessed against a novel […] … Continue reading

Latif Online Oil In Water Measurement

Online Oil – in – Water Measurement Engineering Doctorate Zak Latif Overview of Research Activities • Develop NEL’s Produced Water Facility that can be utilised to test and research oil – in – water measurement techniques . • Characterise parameter effects on existing online oil – in – water measurement technologies • Undertake […] … Continue reading

1985 02 Performance Of The Brooks Compact Prover On Air Reid NEL

[…] programme seriouslyrestricted therangeability ofthe prover butasshown by Fig. 4the minimum judder-free proverflowrate appeared tobe dependent on line pressure. Theresults fromthecurrent tests,giveninFig. 7, confirm thattheminimum judder-free proverflowrate isdependent online pressure butmore importantly showthatatpressures of20bar orgreater the minimum smoothflowrate attained canbeclose tothe lower limitof 0.11 lisspecified forliquid service. Fig.8shows that,aswell asbeing dependent onthe prover linepressure, theminimum […] … Continue reading

1992 00 Closing Address Flow Measurement The Next Ten Years Gallagher Shell

• 1 of 29 • @o 4IIt —————————————————————– , • , FLOW ME ASUREMENT -THE NEXT TENYEARS J. E.Gallaqher, P.E.-Shell, USA “To Accomplish GreatThinqs, WeMust Notonly ActBut Also Dream, Not only PlanButAlso Believe.” -Anatole France 1. GLOBAL OUTLOOK • The global economy, thepolitical eventsinthe Middle East, Eastern Europe,theEuropean Community’s (EC) unification, theCommonwealth ofIndependent states(CIS) […] … Continue reading

2002 06 Operation Of Ultrasonic Flow Meters Under Conditions Different Than Their Calibration Freund Daniel

[…] then changed to nitrogen, providing a 16% change in the speed of sound, equivalent to a natural gas pressure of 4.6 MPa (667 psi). As a further test of potential pressure effects on an ultrasonic meter’s calibration, a series of static measurements of the speed of sound was performed on the 300 mm meter […] … Continue reading

2011 25 Gross Meter Error Detection And Elimination By Data Reconciliation Drysdale Accord

[…] may also include gross errors. The techniques used to detect gross errors are described briefly in the next se ction. 3.2 Error Detection Techniques There are several tests available that can be used to detect the presence of, and identify faulty measurement s. A number of these were applied to the gas system : […] … Continue reading

2012 05 A Study On The Impact Of Instrument Measurement Of Virtual Metering Systems Lansangan BP

[…] a standalone method or in conjunction with physical meters. In subsea developments, for instance, subsea multiphase flow meters may be deployed in a manifold where wells are tested sequentially via a common test header. In some cases, the development may justify individual meters deployed on each well, providing dedicated and continuous measurement. In these […] … Continue reading

17 Multiphase Metering Using A Dual Frequency Coriolis Mass Flow Meter Aramco Mahalingam

[…] data set across a ll water -cuts. It was found that the neural network needed at least 60% of all the available data to be used for training in order to perform reasonably well. The remaining data was split evenly between validation and testing the model. Th e allocation of datasets between training, validation […] … Continue reading

1987 07 Metering Multiphase Well Flow. Measurement Task And Potential Solutions Kalland Statoil

[…] well site to distant processing facilities on production platforms or on­ shore, key critical equipment still remains to be quali­ fied. Metering equipment for periodic well production testing located at a remote well site are one of those critical components not yet available, considered to have a high potential in such subsea field developments. […] … Continue reading

1993 18 Required Operating Envelope Of Multiphase Flow Meters For Oil Well Production Measurement Wolff Shell

NORWEGIAN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ENGINEERS NORWEGIAN soc1m fOR 01!. AND GAS MEASUREMENT NORTH SEA FLOW MEASUREMENT WORK.SHOP 1993 26 – 28 October, Bergen Required Operating Envelope of Multiphase Flow Meters for Oil .Well Production Measurement by Mr. C.J.M. Wolft”, Shell Researc, Rijswijk, The Netherlands Reproduction is prolubited without written pe~ion from NIF and the […] … Continue reading