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1992 11 Comparing Recommendations Given For Turbine Meters By ISO9951 And AGA7 Cabrol Statoil K Lab

by I Ie I I I I I it I I I I Ie I I I I I II I RESULTS OFINVEST1CAT1OOS CGlPARIN:;SCMEOFTHE REXXM1ENDAT1OOS GIVEN FORTURBINE METERSBY150-9951 ANDN;A-7 J Fcabrol and A Erclal Statoil K-lab Paper 4.1 OORl’H SEA F’IiJfJ MEASUREMENT Vl:lRKSHOP 26-29 October 1992 NEL, East Kilbride, Glasgow I Ie I I I […] … Continue reading

1995 03 In Situ Calibration Of 500 Mm Diameter Orifice Meters Jones Chevron

[…] flow rates throughout the range of the orifice meters. The nozzles were calibrated at Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc. (CEESn using air. Samples from each size were tested at NOV A Gas Dynamics Test Facility (GDTF) using pipeline quality natural gas. The agreement between these two labs was within the stated uncertainties of the […] … Continue reading

1995 20 Coriolis Flowmeters For Gas Measurement Patten Micro Motion

[…] Coriolis meter vibrates at a resonant frequency and the meter frequency changes when the fluid density changes, density can be measured as the meter frequency changes. Initial testing has indicated that with the current calibration method density accuracy is better than ±2 kgtm3 over the entire tested flow range for each meter size. Micro […] … Continue reading

2003 11 Research Developments In Wet Gas Metering With V Cone Meters Steven McCrometer

[…] Measurement Workshop (NSFMW) NEL and McCrometer jointly presented the results and analysis of the UK’s Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) funded V-Cone meter wet gas flow tests on the NEL Wet Gas Loop. Two 6” beta ratios (0.55 and 0.75) were tested and for each meter the parameters influencing the differential pressure reading […] … Continue reading

2017 25 Conversion Of A Large Scale Orifice Measurement Fosse NPD

[…] in Emden (EMS) …… 5 4. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ……………………………. 6 5. System overview …………………………………………………………..1 0 6. USM meter specification ……………………………………………….1 1 7. USM flow meter testing …………………………………………………1 3 8. Operating philosophy …………………………………………………….1 3 9. Condition Based Monitoring ( CBM ) follow up ………..………1 4 10. Summary ………………………………………………………………….. 36 11. References ……………………………………………………………….. 37 […] … Continue reading

2017 P05 Installation Effects On Venturi Turbines Graham NEL

[…] Venturis in space-limited installations. In some cases they are installed with much shorter straight upstream lengths with no know ledge about the errors induced. NEL has conducted tests to investigate the effect o f upstream installations on a Venturi tube. The results indicate that the require d upstream lengths were heavily dependent on the […] … Continue reading

2017 P09 Field Use Of A Composite Phase Fraction Meter Parker M Flow

[…] manufacturing technology to develop a range of fraction meters for oil and gas applications. As well as the strength and chemical resistance advantages discussed earlier the composite materials have low absorption of many types of energy used for sensin g pipe w a    Apart f compo s measur e measur e […] … Continue reading

16 Challenges And Opportunities For Subsea Multiphase Meters In The Brazilian Pre Salt Petrobras

[…] depends on specifics. 2Installation days does not consider mob ilization /demob ilization of vessels 3This layout could also include a fifth MPFM on the manifold for verification testing There is no one -size -fits -all architecture for a given field. There are many variables to be assessed, e.g. reservoir conditions, flow assurance, installation campaign, […] … Continue reading

2018 02 Disruptive Clamp On Technology To Reduce Cost

[…] helically as well as axially in the pipe (patent pending). This paper explains how the Xsens clamp –on ultrasonic off -centre beam transmission is achieved and discusses test program results de monstrating Xsens flow meter functionality at challenging industrial conditions; installation on standard industry piping at locations down -stream single and double pipe bend […] … Continue reading

12 JIP Results Renewable Gases DNV RIezebos

[…] cope with mixtures of renewable gases 1 2 3 Renewable Gas Flow Meter Aimed results for JIP renewable gases Water Optional liquid Oil Gas Cooler Pump Flow Test Bench DNV © 27 OCTOBER 2021 All – gas loop at DNV Groningen 5 DNV © 27 OCTOBER 2021 Flow performance test • Multiphase flow facility […] … Continue reading

18 Non Radioactive Multiphase Flowmeter For Quantifying Solid Particles ABBON C. Agu

[…] – 26 October 2017 . D.A. Robinson , S.P. Friedman, A method for measuring the solid particle permittivity or electrical conductivity of rocks, sediments , and granular materials , J. Geophy s. Res . 108 (2003) 1802 – 1810. S.M. Zhu, M.R. Zareifard, C.R. Chen, M. Marcotte, S. Grabowski, Electrical conductivity of particle – […] … Continue reading

1994 11 BP Multiphase Meter Test Experience Priddy BP

• • • • BP MULTIPHASE METE.R TESTEXPERIENCE DrW J Priddy BP Exploration OperatingCompanyLtd SUMMARY The paper summarises testdata obtained forthe BP-developed multiphasemeteringsystem.The eight-year testprogramme includedarigorous andcomprehensive flowloopinvestigation using an independent multiphaseflowmeter testfacility andfield tests atWytch Farm,England and Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The paper high1ights key findings alongthedevelopment pathwhich haveenabled thesystem to evolve. Latestfieldtestdata from […] … Continue reading

12 Operation And Maintenance Of Multiphase Shell OneSubsea

[…] for the initial well unloads and clean up but prevented the taking of a pure oil sample of O -North. Once four wells had been brou ght online and all their completion brine had cleaned up, all their watercuts tended to a flat line in the range 3 -4%, the figure 6 shows this […] … Continue reading

1994 18 The MFI Water Cut Meter In Offshore Application Purvey BP

[…] IN OFFSHORE APPLICATION. R Purvey British Petroleum Research,Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex. 1. SUMMARY • BP iscurrently investigating theperformance ofthe MFI water cutmeter forfiscal water content measurement ofpressurised crudeoil.Aseries of tests havebeen carried outtodetermine meter performance withreference tothe IS03171 (I)fiscal accuracy criteria.Manualsampling techniques have beendeveloped inorder tovalidate meteraccuracy inmeasurement ofinstantaneous produced water content. Simultaneous flowrate,temperature, pressure,densityandwater content […] … Continue reading

1995 D01 Report From Group Discussions

[…] receiving the right attention in the project phase. -Sampling equipment is also from time to time vTongly operated. This is due to lack of proper instructions and training of the operation/maintenancee personnel. –On-line chromatographs are normally not fiscal on the North Sea intallations. The high uncertainty in the determination of the cost components have […] … Continue reading

1996 20 Current Status Of Development Of The CSIRO Gamma Ray Multiphase Flow Meter Roach CSIRO

[…] consists oftwo specialised ganuna-ray transmission gauges,andpressure andtemperature sensors,whicharemounted onapipe carrying thefull flow ofthe well stream, andprocessing electronicswhicharelocated ina control room. The MFM wasfirstdemonstrated inthree fieldtrials inAustralia. MFMand test separator flow rates were compared usingleastsquares regression. Therelative errors(r.m.s. difference/mean flowofcomponent), averagedoveralltrials, wereabout 4%forliquids, 8% for oil, 5%forwater, and8%forgas. These include bothMFM andseparator errors.The MFM hasbeen […] … Continue reading

2008 07 Practical Experiences Of Operating Small Bore Gas Ultrasonic Meters For Fiscal Measurement Coull METCO Services Ltd

[…] International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 21 st – 24 th October 2008 13 Following a six week maintenance shutdown the injection metering stream was brought back online without incident. Meter 2901 was in the export line and 2903 in the injection line. Immediately preceding the shut down the series checks had been returning […] … Continue reading

2009 04 Fluid Characterisation In A Subsea On Line Multiphase Fluid Sampling And Analysis System Bruvik University Of Bergen

[…] in order to detect changes in composition or fluid properties as early as possible. Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) started the development of a new concept called “Subsea Online Fluid sampler and Analyser” (SOFA) in 2003 (Baker et al. 2007, Spilde et al. 2008), with the aim of enabling subsea multiphase fluid sampling, single-phase fluid […] … Continue reading

2015 12 Operation And Maintenance Of Multiphase Flow Meters On BC 10 In Deepwater Brazil Sleight Shell

[…] for the initial well unloads and clean up but prevented the taking of a pure oil sample of O -North. Once four wells had been brou ght online and all their completion brine had cleaned up, all their watercuts tended to a flat line in the range 3 -4%, the figure 6 shows this […] … Continue reading


[…] meters seen during inspections performed by the author. Determining the nodes and weights can be a lengthy process. However pre – calculated nodes and weights are available online or in papers . It is worth practicing a little as it was useful to develop understanding and to compare the constructed Lagrange interpolation polynomial with […] … Continue reading