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14 DP Meter Verificastion Swinton Technology

[…] seven wells featured in Section 7.2 is comingled and fed into a high pressure separator located on a riser platform. A 24”, 0. 4β orifice meter with online verification system is metering the gas outlet of the separator. For the same reasons as described in section 7.2., the ‘recovered DP ’ (DPr) is inferred […] … Continue reading

1990 11 Field Experience With The CMI Multiphase Fraction Meter Frantzen Christian Michelsen Institute

[…] Karl HFrantzen andEivind Dykesteen Chr. Michelsen Institute,Bergen,Norway SUMMARY In aproject sponsored byBritish Petroleum andSaga Petroleum, CMIhas now developed anon-intrusive multiphasefractionmeterbased onthe combination ofacapacitance sensorandagamma radiation densitymeter. Laboratory testshaveshown thatthismeasurement systemiscapable of determining thecomposition ofawell mixed oil/gas/water flowtoan uncertainty ofbetter than±3%foreach ofthe components. The firstindustrial prototype meterhasrecently completed a5months field test onaUK land based oil-field. […] … Continue reading

1999 25 Multiphase Measurement System With Fully Redundant Measurements Wee Roxar

[…] by the industry for reservoir manage- ment and production allocation for several years. Multiphase metering is a fairly new tech- nology that is an attractive alternative to test separators due to reduced field development and maintenance costs in addition to “real time” information as opposed to long term avera- ges. However, multiphase metering technology […] … Continue reading

2002 07 Proving Of Multi Path Liquid Ultrasonic Flowmeters Cousins Caldon

[…] be characterized by a frequency spectrum that varies inversely with pipe interior diameter and directly with fluid velocity. The low end of the spectrum presents the grea test proving challenge—higher frequency disturbances tending to average out during a prove. 2 The focus of this paper is on the proving of ultrasonic meters with flow […] … Continue reading

2010 08 The Development Of And Initial Data From A New Multiphase Wet Gas Meter Collins Solartron ISA

[…] can be categorized in one of five ways – Transmission, Reflection, Resonator, Radiometer and Imaging sensors. Electromagnetic Resonator sensors are able to measure the complex permittivity of materials, as the wavelengths and energy losses of electromagnetic waves propagating through a dielectric material are dependent upon this parameter. Resonant frequencies and the quality factors of […] … Continue reading

2017 11 Virtual Flow Measurements Couput Total

[…] the MPFM measured rates. Calibration was done on simulation mode against historical data. Once the simulation result was found satisfactory the calibration parameters were exported to the online mode. 4.6 Operation Tests were conducted during 4 months in order to : – Validate and confirm MPFM readings using KPI for each well and each […] … Continue reading

2017 12 System Meter Monitoring Ausen TechnipFMC

[…] simple so that they can be understo od and followed easily in fiscal agreements.  Reduce financial risk related to meter unavailabili ty by having backups and online monitoring of multiphase measurements  Reservoir management and long term planning. For su ch activities simplified rules are not the best option and the input should […] … Continue reading

2017 14 DP Meter Verificastion Rabone Swinton Technology

[…] seven wells featured in Section 7.2 is comingled and fed into a high pressure separator located on a riser platform. A 24”, 0. 4β orifice meter with online verification system is metering the gas outlet of the separator. For the same reasons as described in section 7.2., the ‘recovered DP ’ (DPr) is inferred […] … Continue reading

D3 04 Ming Yang TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory

[…] Sea Flow Measurement Workshop OiW Measurement Methods 10/8/2020 ▪ Reference Methods • Infrared (IR) • GC -FID • Gravimetric ▪ Field Measurement Methods • Bench top • Online ✓ Avoid the use of certain solvents ✓ Quick results ✓ Simpler method for routine analyses ✓ Concern of costs (capital, running …) ✓ Defining what […] … Continue reading

Stockton Phil, UBA Operator Experience

[…] periodic sampling (well tests) • Allocation utilises latest well test • Process Simulation Model (CHARM) used to adjust well test, accounting for: • GOR/Stream Composition • Hours online • Other process conditions • Well potentials calculated and summed by Arrival Point. • For each Day, the potential oil and gas flows produced from the […] … Continue reading

1983 10 Development Of ISO Standards Orifice Plates, Comparison Between ISO 5167 & AGA 3 Spencer NEL

[…] ice plate is traced from its introduction at the end of the last century. In 1980 the USA were unable to support the adoption of the la test ISO Standard, ISO 5167, for their national use and so are continuing to use the American Gas Association Report No 3 for natural gas measurements especially. […] … Continue reading

2018 15 Calibrating And Testing Custody Transfer Hydrocarbon Liquid Meters

1 Calibrating and Testing Custody Transfer Hydrocarbon Liquid Meters. T. Cousins OGM 1 INTRODUCTION Before discussing calibration and testing meters we should first att empt to define these activities: Calibration is formally defined by BIPM as an “Op eration that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity values […] … Continue reading

1997 25 Quality Assessment Of Gas Metering Stations By A Portable Retractable Inspection Probe Larsen Statoil K Lab

[…] which could depict the flow inside the meter tube such as velocity profile and swirl angle. K-Lab has over years contemplated such technology and has used and tested retractable inspection probes of different types. All of them use general Pitot measurement principles. The latest version of K-Lab’s retractable inspection probe has been tested in […] … Continue reading

2011 03 Subsea Multiphase Measurements Couput Total

[…] instrumentation failure. (Ref 1 ) 7.4 Subsea meter specifications Through internal specification , fully retrievability , redundancy and water conductivity measurements are now required . 7.5 People training As multiphase metering acceptance rely on people , extensive technical training has been initiated between TOTAL assets and headquarters with Supplier assistance . 8 FUTURE NEEDS […] … Continue reading

Using Multiphase And Wetgas Meters For Revenue Allocation

[…] the upstream area of today’s oil and gas production facilities creates a challenge for the measurement of the individual gas, oil (condensate) and water flow rates. Conventional test lines and test separators with the associated measurement equipment are no longer economically viable. More advanced measurement technology is required, and the use of multiphase me […] … Continue reading

02 Et Oljeselskaps Syn Øyvind Nesse

Coriolis two-phase meterØyvind Nesse NFOGM 22-03-20122012-03-14 Agenda• Project • Allocation Metering Concept • Coriolis Test Results Endress & Hauser • Mass Flow • Density MicroMotion • Mass Flow • Density • Conclusions2012-03-142 The Svalin Field PL169 tie-in host Grane PL028C PL169Grane UnitM CPL028C PL169Grane UnitM CIn-place (MSm3) P90 Mean P10 Reserves (MSm3) Svalin C […] … Continue reading

06 F Endresen Installasjonskrav Ved Fiskal Gassmåling

[…] 17089- 1:2010 AGA 9 requires a pipe section upstream of the meter: 10D + flow conditioner + 10D. Some manufacturers claim shorter upstream pipe sections, but supporting test documentation may not be available. Deviations from recognized national or international standards in this matter are not recommended, because the approval process may become difficult or […] … Continue reading

23 Multiphase Flow Quantification Using Oil &Gas Measurement Limited

[…] some limitations of MR including a restricted sam ple geometry which is imposed by the need for a strong homogeneous magnetic field, an inability to image magnetic materials and difficulties associated with very heterogeneous materials (Fukushima 1999) . MR techniques to study two phase flow include fast imaging techniques such as FLASH (Haase et […] … Continue reading

18 Benchmarking Of On Line Natural Gas Analysers Norsk Analalyse

[…] Flow Measurement Workshop 2017 Overview of presentation • Importance of the GC and its performance • Importance of a good quality calibration gas • Introduce Norsok I-106 test & ISO 10723 and highlight different evaluation approaches • Highlight some of the additional benefits from the ISO approach • Results of using an ISO 10723 […] … Continue reading

1988 17 Accuracies Of Vortex And Turbine Meters In Natural Gas Harbrink Ruhrgas AG

[…] SEAFLOW METERING WORKSHOP 1988 18-20 October 1988 National ~gin.eering Laboratory East Kilbride, Glasgow NJ:J…FK, 1ES OF QUE)( Al'D rue INE IvETERS' IN NA.TI.RA.L CAS – Vortex Meter Tests atthe Lintorf TestRigandField Intercamparison Tests Between Vortex~~ters andTurbine Meters- Dr. Bernd Harbrink. Headofthe Appl iedPhysics Section. Ottokar Brandt,Headofthe Gas Measurement Section, Ruhrgas PC,Essen, FederaIRepub Iic of […] … Continue reading