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1995 11 Performance Of Clamp On Ultrasonic Flowmeter Pipeline Leak Detection Systems Baumoel Controlotron Corporation

North Sea Measurement Workshop 1995 Paper 12: Main Index PER FORMANCE OF CLAMP ON ULTRASONIC FLOWMETER PIPELINE LEAK DETECTION SYSTEMS ~. 2. Authors: John O’Brian and J. Baumoel Controlotron Corporation, USA Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement CCH>rganiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited uni~ pennkgon […] … Continue reading

1995 23 Performance Tests Of A 6 Path USM Lygre CMR

North Sea Measurement Workshop 1995 Paper 22: PER FORl1ArlfCE TEST OF A 6 PATH USM Authors: Main Index Asle Lygre, A.tie A. Johannessen, Christian Michelsen Research AS, Norway Eivind Dykesteen, Rune Norheim, Fluenta AS, Norway Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-organiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints […] … Continue reading

1997 01 Comparing Performance Of Multiphase Meters Wolff Shell

[…] the often heard statement : “the multiphase meters investigated, generally satisfied the 10% accuracy criterion” cannot be supported using the conventional 95% confidence limits. INTRODUCTION Various comparative tests of multiphase meters (Porsgrunn 1 & 2, Multiflow I & 2 at NEL, Texaco JIP at Humble) have invariably produced large quantities of data , which […] … Continue reading

1999 09 Upstream Pipe Wall Roughness Influence On Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Dane Dordrecht

[…] upstream pipe length, without mentioning wall roughness. Since no data were available to support a specification, Measurement Canada and TransCanada PipeLines decided to conduct a series of tests under well-defined conditions. This document reports the results. The tests were carried out at the Ruhrgas test facility Pigsar in Germany, where two 12» Q.Sonic® 3-path […] … Continue reading

2008 11 Diagnostic Methodologies For Generic Differential Pressure Flow Meters Steven DP Diagnostics LLC

[…] DP meters are reviewed and system redundancy factors are discussed. A DP meter diagnostic methodology is developed based on fundamental hydraulic pipe theory. Finally, practical examples with test data are presented to show the practicality and limitations of such a diagnostic methodology. 2 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS AND DP METERS A DP meter […] … Continue reading

2008 21 Measurement Of The Liquid Water Flow Rate Using Microwave Sensors In Wet Gas Meters Van Maanen Shell

[…] should be clear that this is only an example and with different gas fields, the actual situation will be different. The composition we used is from a test-loop in which we did some experiments a few years ago, the initial reservoir pressure and temperature have been set at 210 bar and 100 oC with […] … Continue reading

2009 05 X Ray Based Densitometer For Multiphase Flow Measurement Tjugum Roxar

[…] only through heat conduction and free air conv ection. The Fluor`X design allows easy reconfiguration of the spectral output by using a wide range of secondary target materials. The user has the freedom to ad just the beam intensity and to choose even a composite material for the secondary target, th ereby widening the […] … Continue reading

2010 17 Multiphase Flow In Coriolis Mass Flow Meters – Error Sources And Best Practices Weinstein Emerson

[…] when gas bubbles or solid particles move relative to the surrounding liquid during vibrat ion of the flow tube. A theoretical analysis of decoupling, along with real-world test re sults, highlight the importance of several parameters including base phase viscosity, sec ond phase particle size, vibration frequency, and density ratio between the phases. Many […] … Continue reading

2015 23 Multiphase Flow Quantification Using CFD And MRI Lakshmanan Oil & Gas Measurement Limited

[…] some limitations of MR including a restricted sam ple geometry which is imposed by the need for a strong homogeneous magnetic field, an inability to image magnetic materials and difficulties associated with very heterogeneous materials (Fukushima 1999) . MR techniques to study two phase flow include fast imaging techniques such as FLASH (Haase et […] … Continue reading

2017 18 Benchmarking Of On Line Natural Gas Analysers Holland EffecTech Group

[…] Flow Measurement Workshop 2017 Overview of presentation • Importance of the GC and its performance • Importance of a good quality calibration gas • Introduce Norsok I-106 test & ISO 10723 and highlight different evaluation approaches • Highlight some of the additional benefits from the ISO approach • Results of using an ISO 10723 […] … Continue reading

2018 08

[…] • Laboratory verification • Flow loop experiments 10 Model systems HP bench scale HP flow loops Topside /Subsea Applications Equinor SwRI CMR Water conductivity measurement • Blind test in CMR’s loop – 95% of conductivity measurements within ± 0.35 S/m – All measurements within ± 0.7 S/m Test range: WLR 60 -100% GVF 40 […] … Continue reading

Online Analyse Moduler.pdf

Online Analyse Sub System Moduler Kjetil Jakobsen & Knut Marker, SVAFAS I olje, gass og kjemisk industri brukes det mye utstyr til måling av de sentrale komponentene i gass og væske strømmer. I prosess instrumentering måles den fysiske tilstanden av prosessen, som typisk består av trykk, flow, temperatur og nivå. I analyse instrumentering […] … Continue reading

1996 01 Comparison Test And Calibration Of Coriolis Meters Eide Con Tech

• COMPARISON TESTANDCALIBRATION OFCORIOLIS METERS John M.Eide, Con-Tech als Stephen C.Gwaspari, Con-TechUKLtd SUMMARY Coriolis MassMeters arejust asaccurate andlinear asmany Turbine Meters. Theyshould be calibrated underthesame conditions asthey aretobe operated atotherwise metering errors ofup to3% can beexperienced. Themeters zerostability aregood andnot influenced byincreasing pressuresortemperatures. Theyalsoshow asmall viscosity dependent effectonreadings. If a Coriolis Meterisoperated atelevated pressures […] … Continue reading

D1 05 Wes Maru OGM

[…] DENSITY • Flow Rates • Pressure • Temperature 10/8/2020 MPP Scoop Nozzle 7 38thNorth Sea Flow Measurement Workshop Design of Experiment for MPP 10/8/2020 • Combined Profile Testing and Water Injection Testing • Before/After: WLR (0%, 3%, 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%) • Test WLR (1%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 4%, 5%) Table Below • Test […] … Continue reading

07 Jetmundsen. Prosjektgjennomføring

1 TEMADAG NFOGM Prosjektgjennomføring Nye samarbeidsparter (nye operatører og kontraktører), og kultur forskjeller, produksjon / kalibrering / testing, dokumentasjonskrav, inspeksjoner (MC), FAT Tommy Jetmundsen Goliat FPSO – HHI Hydrokarbon regnskapsføring MÅLINGER : Fiskale – olje & gass eksport Allokering – Tie -in målinger CO2 avgift – Brenn og fakkel gass Tariff / Kritiske […] … Continue reading

Regelverkskrav Til Gasskromatograf

Side 1 Regelverks krav til gasskromatograf (komposisjons a nalyse) v/ Rune ?verland, Trainor Elsikkerhet AS Denne artikkelen r etter s?kelyset p? komposisjonsanalyse, og om en online gasskromatograf m?ter kravene satt i M?leforskriften (Forskrift om m?ling av petrol eum for fiskale form?l og for beregning ?K – avgift) eller ikke. Her er kravene (? 8): […] … Continue reading

05 Corneliussen Sidsel, Volume Allocation Based On Multiphase Measurements

[…] departure MPFM MPFM Alvheim Sep S W  3rd party Sep S W  Turbines+ USM Turbines+ USM M M W =Water content measureA = Analyser ( Online)=Density AnalyserM=MeteringS=Sample Point/System SUBSEA TOPSIDE Oil Exp M FPSOCargo S 3xM W S Turbine Ball prover USM MPFM FACILITY GROUP SUB GROUP WELL 120 Sm 3 ——— […] … Continue reading

1984 14 Continuous On Line Water Measurement Wilson BP

[…] arepresentative sample. Theimportance ofaccurate flowproportioning isalso highlighted. Another application forthe capacitance techniquewhichisdescribed is for pipeline waterprofile studies, togive realtime display ofthe profile and avoid tedious manualsampling andlab. testing. 1.1Introduction 1. DEVELOPMENT OFACONTINUOUS ANALYSER Accurate measurement ofwater content hasbecome avery important fiscal measurement forcrude oils.Theapproach currently recognised internationally is to use anautomatic samplertoderive arepresentative bulksample […] … Continue reading

2004 14 Flow Measurement Asset Management In The 21st Century Webb Ambrit Ltd

[…] The management of such a complex set of interactions is onerous using conventional paper based data collection. Web-enabled database technology streamlines this function by providing a paperless, online window into the process and allowing real time interaction. As the audit process continues and the contributors interact, a data file is generated that will eventually […] … Continue reading

2005 10 Three Years Of Experience Of Wet Gas Allocation On Canyon Express Singh Total E&P

[…] Aditya Singh, Total E&P USA James Hall, Letton-Hall Group Winsor Letton, Letton-Hall Group 1 INTRODUCTION In September 2002, production was begun from the three fields that together form the Canyon Express System- King’s Peak, Aconcagua, and Camden Hills. The 9 wells from these fields are connected to a pa ir of 12-inch flow lines […] … Continue reading