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1999 01 Multiphase Flow Measurement System Of High GOR Applications Cellos ARCO Alaska

[…] the system is the MFI multiphase flow meter which is used to measure the multiphase flow in the “liquid leg” of the compact separator. Unlike most well test sys- tems, the measurements of the liquid line are not adversely affected by gas carry under. In fact, it works best with gas flowing in the […] … Continue reading

2000 05 Correction Of Readings From An Orifice Plate Installed In Reverse Orientation Brown NEL

[…] not sufficiently representative of the reversed squared-edged orifice plates to be of much use. In SPE note 22867 the author describes the results of a number of tests with air at low Reynolds numbers. The tests were carried out for various b, but neither bevel angle or bevel size is given in the paper. […] … Continue reading

2000 18 Traditional Uncertainty Analysis And IP Guideline Paton NEL

[…] the approach and terminology different. The fundamental concept of the GUM is to assume all uncertainties are equivalent to thestandard deviation of the results from many repeated tests. By assuming this, all uncertainties can be assigned a probability function and hence the final uncertainty fully recognises the potential distribution of results and gives a […] … Continue reading

2003 24 Flow Measurement In Subsea Installations Svenungsen FMC

[…] the time available for development for some MFMs. In addition the complexity of the MFMs with extensive use of specialised electronics and requirement for use non -metallic materials in order for the measurement principles to operate, have as one could predict opened for a number of potential new failure modes. It is our view […] … Continue reading

2004 21 AGA Report No. 11 Expands Market For Proven Metering Concept Van Ravenswaaij Emerson

[…] as a reference to proof turbine and Coriolis flow meters in the field. Recognition of the meter suitability is the result of a successful series of flow tests on actual low and high-pressure natural gas flows at different test facilities (Pigsar/Ruhrgas in Germany and Gasunie in the Netherlands amongst others). These experiences encouraged both […] … Continue reading

2005 01 Challenges In The Flow Measurement Henne Aker

[…] a new flow measurement modu le on an existing installation is often the simplest solution, yielding low total cost as the module can be assembled and fully tested on shore. However on many installations one is required to integrate the new equipment in existing modules. Flow measurement is a crucial element in the de […] … Continue reading

2007 06 Wet Gas Metering Using Sonar Based Flow Meters And Piping Pressure Loss Gradients Gysling CiDRA Corporation

[…] gradient measurements either exist, or can be installed without requiring a process shutdown. Two data sets are provided demonstrating the utility of this approach: 1) a laboratory test with data spanning range of flow rates and pressures with wetness levels predominately in range of 0 to 2.0 Liquid Gas Mass Ratio, and 2) a […] … Continue reading

2007 12 Impact Of Regulator Noise On Ultrsonic Flow Meters In Natural Gas Krajcin E.ON Ruhrgas AG

[…] This is one of the  problems still to be solved in ultrasonic flowmeteringtechnology.Engineershavesofaratt emptedtosolvetheproblembyinstalling complexspatialpipearrangementsathighcoststo reduceinterferingnoiselevels.  The issue has been examined systematically both in field tests in the measuring station of a transportation pipeline and on the E.ON Ruhrgas hig h3pressure test facility in Lintorf to determinethelimitsofuseandpotentialapplicati onsofanultrasonic gas meterwithchordal path layout […] … Continue reading

2009 K01 New Challenges In Oil & Gas Measurement Griffin DECC

[…] series with te st separators and comparing the single-phase flowrates obtained. It is by no means clear that multiphase meters’ uncertainties are any higher tha n the test separators. It is most definitely not the case that test separators’ uncertainties are a n order of magnitude lower. Nevertheless, many commercial con tracts require multiphase […] … Continue reading

2011 21 Detection Of Corrosion, Fouling, Operational Influence On Ultrasonic Flow Meters Using Reflecting Paths Drenthen Krohne

[…] focuses on the impact of fouling and corrosion and addresses:  the design considerations  the ways to detect the various categories of fouli ng  the tests performed with dirty meters  the impact of honed versus corroded upstream pipes .  the impact of corrosion of the reflecting surface. Next to this, […] … Continue reading

2013 05 Maximising The Use Of Data With UBA On Global Producer III Corbett Maersk

[…] wells’ product ion is measured continuously using individual subsea multiphase flow meters (MPFMs). However, Dumbarton wells’ production is only available from estimates derived from subsea multiphase well tests. Hence the uncertainty in Lochranza’s production is signifi cantly better than Dumbarton’s. However, rising water cuts and the increasing presence of gas lift started to produce […] … Continue reading

2014 10 In Line Multiphase Flow Measurement – Permian Basin, Texas Field Trial Watkins Pietro Fiorentini

[…] results. The MPFM is an in-line meter without the environmental risks of separators. (See picture on page 5) MPFM metering flow rates agreed with results from a test separator equipped with both Coriolis and turbine meters on all flow legs three legs from the separator. The agreed upon target for MPFM measurements was +/- […] … Continue reading

D2 04 Saketh Mahalingam Aramco

[…] Neural Network Results – Total Fluid Flow • Excellent predictions from model – better than physics model • Neural networks are data hungry – more data in training, better results 29 38thNorth Sea Flow Measurement Workshop Conclusions • Yokogawa Coriolis meter shows significant gas tolerance • Meter density outputs are repeatable even under multiphase […] … Continue reading

06 Proving Ultrasonic Flowmeters With Small Volume Provers Krohne Dick Laan

[…] to control the installation effect or viscosity (Reynpolds) dependency. For proving of ultrasonic flowmeters in the field API chapter 5.8 was created. In 2007 KROHNE started to test its liquid UFM CT meters for calibration with small volume provers including compact provers. This provided a positive result but required careful tuning of the compact […] … Continue reading

23 Impacts Of Metering Technology, BS&W And Temperature On The Petrobras Augusto Silva (1)

[…] of the flow loop. Figure 1 – Flow l oop schematics 39 th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 26 -29 October 2021 Technical Paper 3 3 TEST MATRIX AND PROCEDURES Each flowmeter was evaluated under different process conditions. Table 3 shows the test matrix used on the experiment. Table 3 – Test matrix […] … Continue reading

1996 D02 MFI Multiphase Metering Verification At The Agip Trecate Test Loop Mazzoni AGIP SPA

FOCUSDISCUSSION GROUPB • • MFIMultiphase MeteringVerification atthe Agip Trecate TestLoop. A Mazzoni, AGIPSPA Arstein Bringsvor, Multi-Fluid International AS • • -I- • MFI MUL TIPHASE METERING VERIFICATION ATTHE AGIP TRECATE TEST LOOP Agostino Mazzoni Arstein Bringsvor AGIP SPA,Italyand Multi-Fluid International AS(MFI), Norway SUMMARY AGIP hasduring thelast few years builtacomprehensive testfacility attheir Trecate field nearMilan […] … Continue reading

D1 03 Silvia Galvanin Pietro Fiorentini

[…] outliers and anomalies Close 23 38thNorth Sea Flow Measurement Workshop Conclusions/2 • The best model has been selected looking at implementation details, like: – execution time – training dataset size • Multiphase Flow meter estimation with Machine Learning algorithms is viable, in order to overcome semi -physical flow models . Close 24 38thNorth Sea […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 2 2010

[…] bl.a referert til klimakvoteforskriften ifm testing av GC ISO 10715 ”Sampling guidelines” – denne skal revideres, WG deltakere etterlyses ! Velprøvd mĂĽleteknologi, ny anvendelse, vann i olje online! Av Steinar Haugerud, Teck Skotselv instrumentering Kontinuerlig mĂĽling av vann i olje som selges / kjøpes har i mange ĂĽr vĂŚrt ønsket som del av det […] … Continue reading

PGC Innføring.pdf

[…] detektor i ønsket rekkefølge. Pakkede og kapillĂŚr kolonner er de vi vanligvis finner i naturgass kromatografi. Pakkede kollonner er fremdeles den mest vanlige typen i forbindelse med online naturgass GC’er og er vanligvis 1/16” fleksible rustfri stĂĽlrør (tube) med tilnĂŚrmet 0,5 mm innvendig diameter. Det er et antall forskjellige kolonne materialer tilgjenglig for naturgass […] … Continue reading

NFOGM Artikkel Gasskromatografi 01 Repeterbarhetskrav

Gasskromatografi og repeterbarhetskrav v/ Rune Øverland , Trainor Automation, 2013 Innledning MĂĽleforskriften setter krav i hvilken grad tilfeldige variasjoner skal fĂĽ pĂĽvirke analyseverdier utført av online gasskromatograf . Testen utføres ved at analyseverdier (datapunkter) logges cirka hvert femte minutt over en periode pĂĽ 48 timer. For at testen skal godkjennes, mĂĽ mesteparten av datapunktene […] … Continue reading