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1990 02 Fiscal Measurement And Proving Experience With Coriolis Meters Davis Total Oil Marine Plc

[…] terminal. Thedistillate meteringwasinitially performedusingovalgearposit:ive displacement meters.Following mechanical problemsitwas decided tofind a replacement. AMicromotion Iinch meter wasinstalled onatrial basis. The meter evaluation comprised: Micromotion factorycalibration (RefFig3) On·site seriescomparison test(RefFig4) On·site vibration test(RefFig5). Following satisfactory tests,atemporary non·objection wasgiven bythe authorities inMay 1989 touse thecoriolis meterforfiscal measurement on the basis thatthedistillate exportfacility wouldshortly besuperseded. Including thetrial period, […] … Continue reading

1991 07 Metering Study To Reduce Topside Space And Weight Hannisdal Aker Engineering

[…] SPACE AND WEIGHT Page 3 2. INTRODUCTION A group in Aker Engineering (AE) has completed a metering study as part of AE’s continuous work in optimising plat form tops;de we;ght and space. Three aspects have been basis for the work: A The fiscal metering regulations in Norway. have recently been revised. These NPD-regulations invite […] … Continue reading

1992 06 A Flow Regime Independent Multiphase Flowrate Meter Dykesteen CMR

[…] METER E. Dykesteen and0.Midttveit I I Christian Michelsen Research.Bergen.Norway. I t’ I SUMMARY: In apaper presented atthe North SeaFlow Measurement Workshopin1990. Christian ‘- I Michelsen Research(CMR)presented testresults foranew concept formeasuring thephase fractions ofamulti phase flow.Inthe follow-up ofthis work. anew project todevelop a multiphase flowratemeterwasinitiated inJune 1990. Thishasnow resulted inacommercially available multiphase meter. theFluenta MPFM1900. […] … Continue reading

1992 15 Comparative Testing And Calibration Of Coriolis And Turbine Meter Mandrup Jensen Force Institute

by I II I I I I I ” I I I I ~ I I I I I ” I EXPERIEN::E WITHa:MPARATIVE TESTIN;ANDCALIBRATICN OFCORIOLIS AND TURBINE METEROFFSHORE ANDINTHE IAOORATORY L Mandrup-Jensen Force Institute Paper 5.2 N:>RTII SEA F’IJ:M MEASUREMENl’ OORKSHOP 26-29 ~ 1992 NEL, East Kilbride, Glasgow I ” “… ”’Ih’1i'”‘, …””…. ,….. […] … Continue reading

1996 21 The Density Of Rich Natural Gas Mixtures Watson NEL

[…] EastKilbride, Glasgow, G75OQU, UK. Gas Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 60631, U.SA Abstract • A major programme ofwork is being undertaken at NEL to establish reference-qua1ity measurements ofdensity for ten natura1 gasmixtures typicalofthose recovered fromNorth Sea condensate fields.Themeasurements arebeing made using theUK’s primary standard densitometer for gases overarange ofpressures andtemperatures commensurate with typical metering conditions. […] … Continue reading

1997 30 Coriolis Meter For LPG Custody Transfer At Petrobras Rezende Petrobras

[…] LPG CUSTODY TRANSFER AT PETROBRAS Authors: Virgilio Antonio Rezende, Petrobas, Brazil Cathy Apple, Micro Motion Inc. USA Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-organiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited unless permission from the authors and the organisers CORIOLIS METER FOR LPG CUSTODY TRANSFER AT PETROBRAS […] … Continue reading

1998 06 Operational Experience Of Multipath Ultrasonic Meters In Fiscal Gas Service Coughlan Shell

• North Sea Measurement Workshop 1998 • PAPER6£.,- 'z- OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCEOFMULTIPATH ULTRASONIC METERS FOR FISCAL GASSERVICE L Coughlan, ShellExpro A Colley, ShellExpro A W Jamieson, ShellExpro • 1 16TH NORTH SEAFLOW MEASUREMENT WORKSHOP1998 Operational ExperienceofMultipath Ultrasonic MetersinFiscal Gas Service L Coughlan, ShellExploration & Production A. Jamieson, ShellExploration & Production RA. Colley, ShellExploration & Production […] … Continue reading

1998 09 The Essence Of A.G.A. Report No.9, Measurement Of Gas By Multipath Ultrasonic Meters Warner Daniel

[…] L.WARNER, UltrasonicProductManager, DanielIndustries. ABSTRACT The American GasAssociation hasrecently published (June,1998) a new recommended practice;ReportNo.9,Measurement ofGas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters.Thispaper reviews someofthe contents ofA.G.A.-9 includingrecommended meterperformance requirements, designfeatures, testingprocedures, andinstallation criteria. Thispaper isacompanion toJohn Stuart's paperwhich was presented atthe 1997 A.G.A. Operations Conference in Nashville, Tennessee entitled,NewAGA Report No.9, Measurement ofGas byMultipath Ultrasonic GasMeters. It […] … Continue reading

2000 04 Effortless Oil Ultrasonic Fiscal Meter Operation Dahlström Norsk Hydro

[…] 10 diameters upstream. Also the Compact Prover tie-in connection was located 10 diameters upstream of the Master ultrasonic meter. When this piping for Compact Prover tie-in was tested with flow circulation, flow-reading variations around +/- 7% was observed with stable flowrates. Modifications were necessary for in-situ traceable third party calibration. 2 Since this became […] … Continue reading

2001 02 Wet Gas Metering With Venturi Meters In The Upstream Area Boko ONERA

[…] low as 1.5%. In the last decade, a lot of meters already used for dry gas like vortex meters, ultrasonic systems and differential pressure systems have been tested and used in wet gas environments. Today Venturi meters are evaluated in more details because the technology has been already used for topside and subsea applications. […] … Continue reading

2001 K01 The Unexpected Challenge Status And Trends On Technology And Applications Jamieson 4C Measurement

[…] was applied in the mid -90s for high accuracy wet gas metering on Southern North Sea facilities, leading to the elimination of the bulk separation facilities. A test separator was retained for determining the liquid content of the well streams, as the tracer technique had not been fully commercialised at the time. It is […] … Continue reading

2002 12 New Compact Wet Gas Meter Based On A Microwave Water Detection Technique And DP Flow Measurement Bø Roxar

[…] f  (1) where f vac is the vacuum frequency. The measured mixture permittivity can subsequently be used to deduce the individual volume fractions of the constituting materials (water, gas, condensate) using certain mixing formulas and the known permittivity of each of the constituents. The RFM meters are based on the Brüggeman type of […] … Continue reading

2004 04 Equity Exposure In Wet Gas Allocation Metering Stewart NEL

[…] be measured without any liquid present. This difference must be corrected for using some form of overreading correlation. The following sections provide a summary of the available test data and any associated correction factors. 2.1. Early Orifice Plate work 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 […] … Continue reading

2004 10 CMB Signal Processing Applied To Ultrasonic Flow Meters Vermeulen Instromet Ultrasonics B.V.

[…] figure 19: reconstruction pulse from burst from 100 pulses + noise 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. In the new “Series IV” electronics the new CMB technique is implemented. To test the noise tolerance of the new electronics a test program has been performed at the calibration facility of Advantica at Bishop Auckland. 4.1 Test set up: […] … Continue reading

2007 01 A Method For Remote In Line Calibration Of Water Fraction Meters Flølo StatoilHydro

[…] section, and where no flow conditions can be provided manual ly or happens in occasional shut downs without depressurization. Current methods for calibration require entering a well-defined test fluid or air into the meter and/or that representative samples are taken and analyzed in a laboratory. This is especially challenging with unstable hydrocarbon li quid […] … Continue reading

2008 09 Multiphase Flowmeter Experience From A Research Perspective Thant PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.

[…] and water) has been identified as a cost effective alternative to the conventional metering technology using separation techniques due to a reduction in capital investment for the test separator equipment and consequently structural requirements. MPFMs are light in weight, small in size and can be applied in remote onshore areas or offshore locations. These […] … Continue reading

2008 P03 ISO TC 30 Standards – Autumn 2008 Reader Harris TUV NEL

[…] integrated to provide an overall flowrate and for tracer methods, ISO 2975. Three important velocity-area standards, ISO 3354, ISO 3966 and ISO 7194, withdrawn because an ISO test of the extent to which they were used concluded that they were no longer required, were reinstated earlier this year: although given a date of 2008 […] … Continue reading

2009 01 Significantly Improved Capabilities Of DP Meter Diagnostic Methodologies Steven DP Diagnostics

[…] sensitivity of a DP meters diagnostic capability. These diagnostic methods work for all generic DP meter designs. However, in this paper they are proven with extensive experimental test results from orifice plate and cone DP meters. Finally, it is recognized that it can be beneficial to have real time diagnostics where the diagnostic results […] … Continue reading

2009 07 An Improved Model For Venturi Tube Over Reading In Wet Gas Reader Harris TUV NEL

[…] differential-pressure meters. The flowrate of the liquid, which can be a combination of water and hydrocarbons, is normall y determined by an external means such as from test separator data, tracer expe riments or sampling etc. Information on the liquid flowrate and density is n ecessary to use the correlations. The correlations currently available […] … Continue reading

2011 09 Multibeam Gamma Ray Measurements And Electrical Tomography Tjugum Roxar

[…] applications. Modelling multiphase flow The flow model used by the Roxar flow meter was developed in the 1990s and has been continuously improved based on flow loop tests and field experience . The general model is valid for flow-regimes experienced in vertical upward f low, ie. bubble, churn or slug flow, by the introduction […] … Continue reading