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2011 11 Proving Liquid Ultrasonic Meters Using A Small Volume Prover And Master Meter Syrnyk Emerson

[…] 5.8. 4. Results should be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The calibration of the meter prover must be traceable to NIST – calibrated test measures.   du ud ud du t t t t L    2 C 4 Proving Principl e Displacement prover systems operate on […] … Continue reading

2014 06 Performance Of A Vertically Installed Venturi Tube In Wet Gas Conditions Graham NEL

[…] differential-pressure meters. The flowrate of the liquid, which can be a combinat ion of water and hydrocarbons, is normally determined by an external means such as from test separator data, tracer experiments or sampling etc. Information on the liquid flowrate and density is necessary to use the correlations. Most Venturi meters for wet-gas applications […] … Continue reading

2015 04 Evaluating And Improving Wet Gas Corrections Collins Solartron

[…] (4) and: (5) where is the wet gas correction term. Wet Gas Calibration Database Solartron =SA have manufactured wet gas flow meters since the 1990’s, and have tested a significant number of Venturi meters at many of the commercially available wet gas flow laboratories, incl uding CEESI, K-Lab, NEL, Porsgrun n, SINTEF and SwRI, […] … Continue reading

2017 05 Quantifying Mixing Efficiency Lakshmanan OGM

[…] loop (LMPFL) with 10” nominal pipe diameter. For the industrial scale LMPFL , we developed a novel mixing product ( SmartMix ®). The SmartMix ® is further tested and characterised according to ISO 3171 and API 8.2 by using a novel multipoint probe profiling (MPP) proving device The MPP enable d us to achieve […] … Continue reading

2017 21 Lies, Damned Lies, And The Statistics Of Data Fitting Steven CEESI

[…] process has integrity and is rigorously adhered to. Calibration is a critical part of many flow meter quality control procedures. The calibration process consists not only of testing the flow meter at a reputable flow laboratory across the appropriate flow conditions, but also of how that recorded data is subsequently implemented into the flow […] … Continue reading

08 An Iter Comparison Between Primary High Pressure Gas Flow Standard PTB And VSL

[…] 400 m 3/h Maximum piston speed 0.25 m/s 3 m/ s 0.17 m/s CMC (��= ��) 0.070 – 0.086% 0.065 % 0.080 % 3 METER PACKAGES AND TEST PROTOCOL The turbine gasmeters used in this intercomparison, are part of a so -called meter package. Each meter package consists of a flow conditioner, an inlet […] … Continue reading

Grinten The New Closed Loop Pigsar High Pressure

[…] flow • Metering stations: DN400 – DN600 meters • Customers require more flexibility in pressure and flow • HP transportation network does not become easier for bypass test facilities  Choice for a Closed Loop system • Closed Loop is a feasible technology Specifications of existing and new facility in Table I. ② Design […] … Continue reading

2018 22

[…] gas composition – Control valve noise – Pipe corrosion and build -up – And others … Source: Wim Volmer, „Metrological Reliability “, EFMWS 2013 Motivation • Several tests & researches were performed in the past to determine impact of corrosion and wall roughness to USM uncertainty • Papers have addressed USM diagnostic capabilities to […] … Continue reading

1996 10 Review Of Operation Of Ultrasonic Time Of Flight Meters Cousins SGS Redwood

[…] mostmediums, wherasthehigher frequency signal is severely attentuated bygases. Toprotect thetransducers theyarenormally potted,andoften have aprotective stainlesssteelortitanium coverovertheface. Often mechanical amplification is used, suchasquarter wavelength resonators, toenhance thesignal. The materials anddesign usedarecritical inanumber ofways :- They havetobe compatible withtheprocess fluidifwetted. Therehavebeen many instances wherepotted transducers have”dissolved” duetothe chemical contentof the process fluid.Thus much effortisbeing putinto thedevelopment […] … Continue reading

1989 16 Automatic Transmitter Calibration Ideas And Practical Implementation Skatvedt Norcontrol Training

[…] the computer control system of such metering stations. As it shows from these figures, there are a great number of parameters, which first must be measured. be fore the final result lean be presented. If the final result should be presented by a given accu­ racy, we must set claims to each individual parameter. […] … Continue reading

D2 03 G Dragena D Gysling Expro Group

[…] Simulated Errors Due to Gas Carry -Under With Compact Two Phase Separation and Conventional Coriolis Meters • Hemp’s Model used to simulate Coriolis errors during a well test with nominally 1000 bpd liquid at 80% watercut and 2% gas carry -under at 100 psia • Parameters representative of 3 -inch dual bent tube Coriolis […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 4 2010

[…] innen semiconductor laser har gjort denne teknologien økonomisk forsvarlig for måling av H2S, H20 og CO2 i naturgass på grunn av de spesielle bølgelengder som er påkrevd. Online H2S måling er etter denne målemetoden blitt meget stabil og nøyaktig. Den har kort responstid (4 sek), trenger ingen rekalibrering (kun validering med test gass) og […] … Continue reading

04 Utslippsmåling Erfaring Fra Operatørselskap V Knut Olaussen StatoilHydro

[…] vanskelig det kan være å ta en representativ prøve som gir et fornuftig resultat vil jeg benytte et eksempel fra Kvitebjørn 9. mars 2007. • Mål: verifisere online GC Lab personell fra forskningsavdelingen var på plattformen og tok en rekke gass prøver som ble sendt til forskjellige laboratorier for analyse. • Resultatene ble sammenlignet […] … Continue reading


[…] prøve å sende den til et akkreditert eller anerkjent laboratorium. Prø ven som skal sendes til laboratorium for analyse bør tas i samme punkt som benyttes av online analysatoren . Prøvesylinderen som benyttes i forbindelse med manuell prøve og skal bringes til laboratorium for analyse må velges med omtanke, ref svovel komponen ters reaktive […] … Continue reading

1985 16 Composite Sampling Of Natural Gas Welker Welker Engineering

Lecturer:Mr.Thomas F.Welker Welker Engineering Company Nor ske S!viiingeni0rers Forening Norwegian SocietyofChartered Engineers NORTH SEAFLOW METERING WORKSHOP • Stavanger, 5-7November 1985 Composite samplingofnatural gas • Allrights reserved NIF and theAuthor • • flow canbeenhanced. COMPOSITE SAMPLINGOFNATURAL GAS Thomas F.Welker Welker Engineering Company P.O. Box138, Sugar Land,Texas To collect acontinuoua orcomposite sampleofgsa, the following items mugt […] … Continue reading

1986 09 Experience Of Offshore On Line Gas Density Measurement Marshall Marshall Instrumentation Ltd

EXPERIENCE )1- )1- PS>lORE ONLINE GASDEN lfY f-! ·.ASrJR MENT by ~ F !"lRSHALL ~SHALL INSTRUMENTATION LTD Paper 2. 3 HORTlI SE..'l.fLO~v ~IKTtHUNG WORKSHOP 14)86 1-9 October 1986 Net Lcus IEng fnee r tng Laboratory East Ktlbtide, Clesgow 2 EXPERIENCE OFOFFSHORE ON-LINE8ASDENSITY "EABURE"ENT —————————————————— INTRODUCTION Themealurelent of val density ulingdensity tran5du~erl is COlmon placeonofflhore […] … Continue reading

1987 14 On Line Validation Of Densitometers By Pressure Pyknometry Johnson Moore, Barrett And Redwood Ltd.

[…] referenced to a series of masses which have been certified by a UK recognised National Calibration Laboratory. It has been found that these electronic balances exhibit n onlinearity in the range 3.5 kg – 5.0 kg. This is especially relevant on offshore platforms when vibration and rrotion are exaggerated. To compensate for this lack […] … Continue reading

1992 02 Orifice Metering Research A User’s Perspective Gallagher Shell

[…] value. 7.1 Density Accurate valuesofflowing density, RHO..” and base density, RlID., are required foraccurate basevolume calculation. Thedensities may beobtained usingtwomethods -direct measurement using density metersoran acceptable equationofstate. Online density meters,forboth flowing andbase density, has exhibited problemswhenafluid ismeasured nearaphase boundary or passes throuqh thehydrocarbon dewpoint. Smallamounts of liquid dropping outofsolution willcause density metersto perform erratically. […] … Continue reading

1992 13 Density Metering Installation Methods Gray Peak Measurement

[…] bulk oraverage densityofthe instantaneous sample. Thismeans thatnon-homogeneous fluidssuchas slurries canbemeasured withthistechnique. Bysealing the outside ofthe tube fromtheprocess wecan magnetically drive thetube without worrying aboutthecorrosion resistance ofthe magnetic materials asthey neednotbein contact withtheprocess fluid.Thuswecan usea 316 stainless steeltubewith magnetic armatures fixedtothe outside ofthe vibrating tubetogive usamagnetically driven density meterwiththecorrosion resistance of 316 stainless steel.Onedisadvantage ofusing […] … Continue reading

1996 02 Practical Application Of Coriolis Meters For Offshore Tanker Loading From The Harding Field Withers BP

[…] wasachievable usingCoriolis meters. 2.2 Proving • Proving ofmass meters insitu remains aproblem becausethereis,asyet, nodirect mass proving systemavailable foranoffshore application. Thealternative isto prove against a volume proverwithaclosely associated online density meter. Use ofalternative routinecalibration methodstoaconventional pipeprover wereconsidered. with theemphasis beingtominimise skidsize. weight. andcapital costand to reduce maintenance costs,Thesealternatives includeduseofareference meterwithonshore calibration ortransportable compactprovercombined withreduced frequency […] … Continue reading