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2007 23 Measurement Of Produced Water Discharges – Regulatory Requirements And Recent Progress MacGillivray TUV NEL

[…] (tonnes) 8547 425 199 9171 Percentage (%) 93.2 4.6 2.2 100 Produced water also contains components such as hea vy metals, production chemicals and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM ) in addition to the residual oil. Therefore its discharge is in general strictly regu lated as these components can potentially cause damage to the […] … Continue reading

2008 12 The Effect Of Drain Holes In Orifice Plates On The Discharge Coefficient Reader Harris TUV NEL

[…] plate with a drain hole solved the problem. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In order to determine the effect of drain holes on orifice plates it was important to test over a range of values of diameter ratio, β, drain hole diameter, d h, pipe diameter, D, plate thickness, E, pipe Reynolds number, Re D, and […] … Continue reading

2010 11 When Should A Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter Be Recalibrated Hall Letton Hall Group

[…] Obtaining historical recalibration data from certified flow calibration facilities, USM manufacturers and PRCI member companies; 5) Participation in selected recalibrations by PRCI member companies;  6) An extensive test program at a certified flow calibration facility.  At the conclusion of the study, a total of 34 USM recalibrations had been analyzed. Of these, 22 had […] … Continue reading

2010 K01 Influential Factors In Flow Measurement Stobie ConocoPhillips

[…] 7 Engineering is the discipline, art and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize a solution to the needs of society. APPENDIX An Orifice Plate’s Autobigraphy Life isn’t easy, being an orifice plate,  But Bernoulli and I have always been mates!  It’s time to look back to what I have done,  Almost a whole century has gone!    A Standard is built around my soul,  Can you imagine a more famous hole?  ISO 5167, for me  This […] … Continue reading

2011 12 How Accurate Are Ultrasonic Flowmeters In Practical Conditions Hogendoorn Krohne

[…] was calibrated showing excellent reproducibility results. Long term reliability has been proven with the ALTO SONIC V, of which the first meters are in use since 1997. Test results obtained from these very first flowmeters demonstrate stable verification data. No systematic shift or drift has been observed. Figure 6 demonstrates another set of calibration […] … Continue reading

2013 03 Challenges With Salinity Measurements In Multiphase Flow Metering Gryzlov Roxar

[…] initial development stage and ba sic theory behind sensor principles are given in . Currently, the sensor design and algorithm development work has been finalised. Several flow tests have been performed, which indicate that the developed sensor is capable of measuring conductivity of the water phas e for multiphase oil/gas/liquid flows and can improve […] … Continue reading

2013 12 The Application Of Clamp On Ultrasonic Flowmeters Warmenhoven GDF SUEZ E&P

[…] carried out at an export metering point with well allocation according to calculation. Upstream conditions often combine the challenges of very thick -walled pipes in ex otic materials with wet gas at relatively low pressures. In the last few years non -invasive (clamp – on) ultrasonic flowmeters have be en installed on individual well […] … Continue reading

2018 12 Metering Skid Life Extension Challenges Njord Field Rejuvenation

[…] Workshop 22 -24 October 2018 Technical Paper 2 Challenging de cisions had to be made to find the balance between refurbishing the existing unit to the la test cost -effective technology while achieving an optimised solution that could continue to be efficient in the next 20 years. The refurbishment activity is ongoing at the […] … Continue reading

21 Towards The Unmanned Platform Jiskoot Solutions And Phillips 66

[…] this procedure is that the non -volatile components in the crude (asphaltenes, inorganic salts, minerals etc.) are not transferred to the titration cell. The absence of these materials allows many more samples to be processed before i t is necessary to bring the system off -line for cleaning and the replacement of titration cell […] … Continue reading

14 Flow Meter Performance For The New Hydrogen And Carbon Capture Economy Emerson Alghanmi

14 Flow Meter Performance For The New Hydrogen And Carbon Capture Economy Emerson Alghanmi

1992 07 Framo Multiphase Flowmeter Prototype Test Olsen Framo Engineering

by I • I I I I I t’ I II , -. ” III I ” I FR ANO HULTIPHASE FLOWl1ETER-PRO’T’OTYPE TEST A BOlsen andB-HTorkildsen Framo Engineering AS Paper No2.4 NORTH S!:~.FLOW nASURENEHT WORKSHOP 26-29 October 1992 NEL, EastKilbride, Glasgow 1 , I. FRAMOMULTIPHASE FLOWMETER PROTOTYPE TEST Tor1<ildsen, BerntHelge andOlsen, ArneBirger Framo Engineering […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 2 2006

[…] Rådets anbefaling er å videreføre SRY (Samarbeidsrådet for fag- og yrkesopplæring) på første møte etter ferien (august/ september) Faget beskriver oppfølging/vedlikehold/installasjon av utstyr knyttet til fiskale målestasjoner, online analyse, og andre kritiske målinger. Elementer som også bør inngå i faget er: Fiskal målinger knyttet til kjøp / salg av råolje Fiskal målinger knyttet til […] … Continue reading

04 Krav Til Måleutstyr Ifm E Drift V Bjørn Ullebust, Statoil ASA

[…] til densitet /vann i olje / differanse trykk / volum måling 7 Delkomponent Usikkerhets -grenser til komponent NORSOK design krav Kalibrerings -intervall Aksjonsgrense tilstandskontroll ved dublisert instrumentering Online GC ± 0,30 % av brennverdi ( ± 0,15 % av brennverdi for k=1) Som OD Benchmark typisk hver uke; kalibrering ved behov og minimum 30 […] … Continue reading

Åbro Eirik Verification Validation Of Sub Sea Multiphase Meters

Verification / validation of sub sea multiphase meters NFOGM Temadag 19. mars 2015 Eirik Åbro and Eivind Lyng Soldal 2015 -02-09 Classification: Internal Outline • Introduction : Online well data and allocation • Base case subsea tie -ins metering concept • Lessons learned • Multiphase metering technology needs • Subsea – subsea tie -ins […] … Continue reading

07 Design Of A Subsea Fiscal Oil Export Metering System Statoil

[…] to be delayed 17 minutes to be sure that the fluid sample is representative for the batch. A flowmeter should be placed topside to allow more exact online calculation of the delay, based on flow rate and volume of the sampling line. Second – Fluid sampling shall be flow proportional. Consequently t he sampling […] … Continue reading

23 SICK Experiences With Permanent Series Connection Of USM SICK

[…] run. The main meter is used for the fiscal metering of the gas volume and the check meter to monitor and verify the main meter’s readings. The online comparison of both meters shows that they are operating synchronously. If the measurement deviation between the two meters shifts, the metering run needs attention. The operators […] … Continue reading

1983 03 Practical Experience With On Line Gas Densitometers Wilcox Total

[…] at St Fergus. In addition, the pipeline takes gas from Occidental’s Piper field and Texaco’s Tartan field and this additional gas is metered offshore on MCPOl be fore entering the Frigg to St Fergus pipeline. This paper describes the experience gained using on-line gas densitometers in both onshore and offshore conditions • (1) Total […] … Continue reading

1985 03 Experiences With Compact Provers On Live Crude Oil Stokes Unitec Consultants BV

[…] heavyoutlet flangeberemoved. A sliding overhead hoistwasneeded. All theelectrical controlandsafety barriers wereremoved from theprover skidandrelocated inthe control room,to enable theoperators toprove meters fromthecontrol room, and control allwater drawsequence testing• • I – 4 – Additional ControlMeterforMonitoring Purposes As there wasnouser experience foracompact prover operating offshoreincontinuous crudeoilservice therewas a need todemonstrate thattheprover basevolume hadnot changed duetoany […] … Continue reading

1993 22 How To Specify And Design On Line Analyser Systems Dulfer Van Rietschoten & Houwens Noord West B.V.

Main Index NORWEGIAN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ENGINEERS NORWEGIAN soctm fOR OU. AND GAS MEASUREMENT —————————- ··–·- NORTH SEA FLOW MEASUREMENT WORKSHOP 1993 26 -28 Odober, Bergen How to specify and design on line analyser qsteTTIS by Mr. L Broland, KOS A/S, Beraen Norway Reproduction is prolubited without written pennission from NlF and the author […] … Continue reading

1999 22 Handbook Of Uncertainty Calculations – Fiscal Metering Stations Dahl CMR

1. ABSTRACT A new Handbook for uncertainty calculations on fiscal metering stations is presented. The Handbookhas been developed by Christian Michelsen Research AS (CMR) on behalf of the Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement (NFOGM) and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD). The aim of the Handbookis to secure a more uniform uncertainty evaluation […] … Continue reading