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03 Wet Natural Gas Flow NEL

[…] ure meters. The flowrate of the liquid, which can be a combination of water and hyd rocarbons, is normally determined by an external means such as from test s eparator data, tracer experiments or sampling etc. Information on the liquid flowrat e and density is necessary to use the correlations. The majority of commercial […] … Continue reading

(5) Øiestad Ole Flow Conditioning Har Vi Mer å Lære

[…] avleiringer • Meterne virket fint på FAT OD krevde handling for å få denne stasjonen Fiskal Det blir bestemt å sende inn et meter til Intertek for test. Formål er å lære meterets sensitivitet : 1. Finne “AS FOUND” KF 2. Rengjør meter og oppstrøms arrangement og repeterepunkt 1 3. Finne KF med endret […] … Continue reading

(6) Wærnes Per Vidar Radiometrisk Densitetsmåling Også På Eksportolje

[…] forhold . Detektorsystemet konverterer strålingsintensiteten som ikke er absorbert i mediet til et elektrisk pulssignal . Signalfrekvensen er proporsjonal med målemediets densitet (spesifikk vekt ). Felt – test, Radiometrisk densitetsmåler • En standard “clamp –on” densitetsmåler type DT -9315 (DT) ble testet på export – olje på BP Ula fra 28 mai til 5 […] … Continue reading

08 USMs And Heavy Oil Applications The Woes Of Transition And Laminar Flow Measurement CEESI

[…] Introduction This paper was conceived after an incident that made clear to me that there is a misunderstanding of transition and laminar flow. A USM was being tested in the Reynolds number range of 6000 to 10000 on oil and the meter was very noisy, with a high standard deviation (turbulence) output. The manufacturer […] … Continue reading

1986 12 Wellhead Metering Of Gas Oil Water Production Streams Hatton Texaco

[…] North Sea.Fulldetails ofthese instruments arenot available forpublic discussion atthis time. One component ofsome ofthese systems isamicrowave-based water-cut monitorwhichhasbeen developed byTexaco under partial supportbyARAMCO. Resultsofthe most recent offshore test ofthis water-cut monitorarepresented below. This microwave-based system,likecapacitance probes, determines watercutbymeasuring thefluid dielectric constant. However, themicrowave systemaccurately measureswatercutsfrom o to 100% wfor water-continuous andoil-continuous systemsand does notsuffer […] … Continue reading

1986 13 The NEL Orifice Plate Project Hobbs NEL

[…] ofmeasuring edgeradius, mostsubsequent Standards seem tohave specified thattheedge besharp andleft ittothe user to satisfy himself thatthishasbeen achieved. Littleguidance hasalso been given onhow tomachine asatisfactory sharpedge,quite aproblem forsome materials, especiallyforsmall orifice diameters. In the ASME Power TestCode(9) PTC19.5; 5-1959 itstates: "e Theinlet edgeofthe orifice shallbesquare andsharp, free from either burrsorrounding, sothat when viewed without magnification […] … Continue reading

1988 16 The NEL Orifice Plate Project Hobbs NEL

[…] edgeradius. mostsubsequent standards . seem tohave specified thattheedge besharp andleft ittothe user to satisfy himself thatthishasbeen achieved. Littleguidance hasalso been given onhow tomachine asatisfactory sharpedge. quiteaproblem forsome materials. especially forsmall orifice diameters. In the ASHE Power TestCode 10 PTC19.5; 4-1959 itstates: Ite Theinlet edgeofthe orifice shallbesquare andsharp. free from either burrsorrounding, sothat when viewed […] … Continue reading

1990 06 Drilling Mud Flow Measurement Stewart British Gas Plc

[…] known. Current fieldmeasurement techniquesareinadequate. Themud return flow is aparticularly difficultproblemsincethereturn lineruns partially full andthemud contains rockcuttings insuspension: Consequently aflow calibration facilitywasconstructed atthe British Gas Engineering ResearchStationtoprovide a test bedforvarious flowmeters and techniques. Thispaper describes thefacility, itscommissioning and discusses theperformance ofvarious measurement techniquesforwater based muds andwith simulated cuttings. 1 E.726 1. INTRODUCTION A well kick […] … Continue reading

1990 08 Renovation Of Export Metering System Dam N V Nederlandse Gasunie

[…] RENOVATIONOFEXPORT METERING SYSTEM A M Dam andKvan Dellen N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie,Groningen, theNetherlands SUM MAR Y The 6largest exportstations ofGasunie are20years oldandneed renovation. Atthe present, theyareequipped withorifice plates. Forthe choice ofthe new flow metering conceptadditional information wasneeded. This wasprovided by2research projects: VEREXandKAREX. Theprojects gave asolid baseforthenew concept consisting of2flow meters putin series: aturbine meterasprimary deviceanda4-path […] … Continue reading

1992 08 Ultrasonic Flowmeter Wet Gas Tests At NEL Watt NEL

by I .. I I I I I t’ I I I I Ie I I I I I fj I ULTRASOOIC FU:W1ETER ‘WET’GAS TESTS ATNEL R M Watt NEL Paper 2.5 OORTH SEA FIJ:::1N MEASUREMENl’ WJRKSHOP 26-29 October 1992 NEL, EastKilbride, Glasgow I • I I lntroductlon As part oflhe “Ultraflow” JointIndustry Project […] … Continue reading

1993 17 Review Of Multiphase Flowmeter Projects Millington NEL

[…] been made in the development of multiphase flowmeters over the last 18 months, and a number of manufacturers now have prototypes in the final laboratory and field testing stage . This paper examines the progress of these leading developments with comment on the available performance data. The flowmeters are grouped under three general descriptions: […] … Continue reading

1995 17 Oil Companies’ Needs In Multiphase Flow Metering Slijkerman Shell

[…] reservoirs. Many oil companies have been actively pursuing the development of such metering systems, either through Joint Industry Projects or through their own research and by making test facilities available. These efforts, together with the expertise and the perseverance of the equipment suppliers, have led to the appearance of first-generation multiphase metering systems on […] … Continue reading

1996 12 Operation Of Multipath Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters In Noisy Environment Frøysa CMR

[…] Christian Michelsen ResearchAS(CMR), Bergen,Norway. Statoil K-Lab, Karste, Norway. Kongsberg OffshoreAS(KOS), Kongsberg, Norway. Fluenta AS,Bergen, Norway. A 12″ KOS FMU 700multipath ultrasonic transittimegasflow meter (USM) hasbeen used in testing atStatoil’s K-Lab,inorder toinvestigate theultrasonic noiseradiated bya6″ control valvewithsilencer triminthe operational frequencybandofUSMs, andthecharacteristic influence ofthe valve noiseonthe performance ofUSMs, wheninstalled inthe vicinity ofsuch valves. Thepaper discusses thefrequency […] … Continue reading

1996 13 Practical Experience With Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters Zanker Daniel

• PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE WITHGASULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS K. J.Zanker DanielIndustries UK W. R. Freund Jr.Daniel Instruments USA Two verydifferent situations arereported: typeapproval testing’ofasmall 6″meter; and calibration ofalarge 30″meter. Thesmall meter waschosen foritssensitivity todimensional and timing errors, whereas thelarge meter (5times larger) shouldbeimmune tosuch influences. However whencalibrating the30″ meter someunexpected effectswereexperienced: atone extreme, duetothe difficulty inobtaining largeflows […] … Continue reading

1999 15 Effects Of Salinity Variation On Dual Energy Multiphase Flow And Mixmeter Homogeniser Harrison Melverley

[…] instrument and in particular changes in its performance which result from changes in fluid properties. With regard to the homogeniser a detailed study of the NEL Multiflow test results has enabled a more sophisticated DP characteristic to be derived to extend the range of operation. Further, work at the Texaco facility at Humble has […] … Continue reading

2002 05 Qualification Of Ultrasonic Flow Meters For Custody Transfer Of Natural Gas Hill GE Panametrics

[…] operate in atmospheric air was a significant factor in the joint development by GE Panametrics and RMG Messtechnik of a custody transfer meter. Using air as a test medium yields major benefits. Two benefits are cost and availability. Natural gas calibration facilities cost thousands of dollars per day to use. This expense alone can […] … Continue reading

2003 05 Penguin Wet Gas Measurement Wood Shell

[…] a Framo Vx multiphase meter on the gassy liquid outlet. The outlet of these meters is then recombined prior to being routed either to the production or test separator. Prior to the production separator the Penguin fluids are commingled with the Brent fluids. As Brent pays Petroleum Revenue Tax and Penguin does not, there […] … Continue reading

2003 28 Multibeam Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meter Fiscal Metering Custody Transfer Applications Guizot Faure Herman

[…] technology, API decided to create a working group to release a new API draft standard related to the ultrasonic technology for liquid flow measurement. Based on field test results performed under the API responsibility on crude oil and refined products, a draft standard has been issued end of the year 2002. Today everyone agrees […] … Continue reading

2005 04 Estimation Of The Measurement Error Of Eccentrically Installed Orifice Plates Barton National Engineering Laboratory

[…] orifice plates were eccentric within their carriers. This paper describes the subsequent investigation into this problem and the estimation of the resultant flow-measurement error. Initial Inspection and Testing Work Figure 1 shows the three flow meters. The displacement of three plates (FE-001, FE-002 and FE-003) was measured as being 36 mm, 56mm and 39 […] … Continue reading

2005 16 Flow Disturbances And Flow Conditioners The Effect On Multi Beam Hogendoorn KROHNE

[…] of the effects of production tolerances on flow profiles. A glass model of the ultrasonic flowmeter has been build which was mounted in a flow loop. This test rig was filled with a liquid with a re fraction index equal to that of the glass. This enables us to carry out precise LDA measurement […] … Continue reading