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Nytt Fra NFOGM 3 2004

[…] oss ukorrigert eller ideell energi. For å oppnå sann eller korrekt energi verdi må ideell energi verdi divideres med kvadratroten av gassens kompressibilitetsfaktor ved standard betingelser. Prosess online GC trender innenfor naturgass applikasjoner GC’er brukt innenfor laboratorier har som funksjon av utviklingen innenfor mikro elektronikk og computer teknologi utviklet seg enormt de senere år, […] … Continue reading

01 Det Norske Kvotesystemet Og Forholdet Til EUs Kvotesystem V Trine Berntzen

[…] var ment å representere •Laboratorier skal i utgangspunktet være akkreditert (muligheter for unntak) •Faktorene bestemmes ved:  periodisk prøvetaking og analyse, eller  ved kontinuerlig måling med online gasskromatograf eller gassanalysator. 31.10.2012 Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT) Side 20 • Prøvetakingsprosedyre og analysehyppighet skal gjennomføres i et omfang slik at det årlige gjennomsnittet av relevante parametere […] … Continue reading

02 Videre Oppfølging Av Kvotevedtak Fra SFT V Trine Berntzen, SFT

[…] var ment å representere •Laboratorier skal i utgangspunktet være akkreditert (muligheter for unntak) •Faktorene bestemmes ved:  periodisk prøvetaking og analyse, eller  ved kontinuerlig måling med online gasskromatograf eller gassanalysator. 31.10.2012 Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT) Side 20 • Prøvetakingsprosedyre og analysehyppighet skal gjennomføres i et omfang slik at det årlige gjennomsnittet av relevante parametere […] … Continue reading

04 En System Integrators Syn Morten Marstein

[…] Criterias • Price and delivery time (project phase) – Cost of parts, engineering, complexity • Accuracy – Conformance to fiscal accuracy requirements • Functionality – Flow range, online maintenance, online calibration, online diagnostics • Reliability / Maintenance cost – Maintenance and diagnostics facilities, complexity, maintenance intervals, knowledge for maintenance Evaluation – Design Categories Price […] … Continue reading

09 Olafsen Drift, Vedlikehold Og Modifikasjoner Av Fiskale CO2 Avgiftsbelagte Målestasjoner

[…] Sep M S S W  M S Turbines + USM Turbines + USM Mag Mag USM USM M M W=Water content measure A = Analyser ( Online) =Density Analyser M=Metering S=Sample Point/System SUBS EA TOPSIDE Fuel Flare Oil Exp Gas Exp M M S 2xM A S M FPSO Cargo S 3xM W […] … Continue reading

Fiscal Measurement Of Oil With High Water Fraction

[…] in the turbine meter (line conditions), • Density in the densitometer (i.e. output pulses), • Pressure and temperature at the densitometer, • Water fraction measurement (sampling/analysis or online water fraction meter), • Pressure and temperature at the water fraction measurement (this may be at line conditions, respectively laboratory conditions). The terminology used in the […] … Continue reading

CMR Handbook Fiscal Ultrasonic Oil Metering Station

BERGEN – 31.12.2015 Ref. No.: CMR -15-A14071 -RA -1 Rev.: 00 REPORT Handbook of uncertainty calculations for ultrasonic oil flow metering stations Documentation of uncertainty models and internet tool Authors Kjell -Eivind Frøysa, Per Lunde, Gaute Øverås Lied Handbook of uncertainty calculations for ultrasonic oil flow metering stations Report Ref. no.: CMR -15-A14071 -RA-1 […] … Continue reading

(04) Gabriel Steve Watson, Sampling System

[…]  Maintain critical velocity / flow in fast loop .  Provide enough head to ensure positive flow  Provide additional mixing Role of Fast Loop Pumps Pump Curve Convert to Pressure Head Curve NPSHr Curve – Size Envelope & Weight – Material Selection – Wax Temperature Vs ATEX compliance Other Challenges Questions / Comments … Continue reading

26 The Revision Of ISO 6976 And Assessment Of The Impacts Of Changes … Dave Lander

[…] some 24 % of total energy consumption and its production amounted to 3542 bcm (BP, 2017) . Accurate determination of energy flows of natural gas is there fore very important to all stakehold ers in the natural gas industry and ISO 6976 (Natural gas – Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe […] … Continue reading

1982 08 Flow Computers And Transmitters In Orifice Metering Systems For Gas Tunheim Elf Aquitaine


1984 01 Influence On The Velocity Of Sound On The Accuracy Of Gas Density Transducers Tunheim ELF Aquitaine

[…] ofsound ;srather largein natural gasappl ication. ForFrigg gasinthe order ofO~8%. 2. If§quation 8is used inlow pressure application (densiters0-60 Kg/M) itisprobably moreaccurate touse aconstant valuefor Cp/Cp·than calculating thetrue online valve. 3. For densities inthe range 0-60 Kg/M3 calibrated withnitrogent Solartron velocityofsound correction introducesanadditional un- certainty inthe denSity measurement ofabout + Ot1%, which haveto be added […] … Continue reading

1984 12 Field Experience And Development Work With Hydril BS And W Measurement System Griffiths AOT Hydril

[…] representation ofthis performance characteristic isshown in figure 5. 2.2 BaseOilDielectric Variation Following theforegoing analysisrecentefforts havebeen made todefine the effects oftemperature, pressureandcomposition changesonthe dielectric constant ofcrude oils. A test facility wasconstructed (showndiagrammitically infigure 6)to measure thedielectric ofarange ofcrude oilsand investigate the dependance ofdielectric constantontemperature, pressureandAPI gravity. Page 3 Theresults ofthe test programme todate areshown infigures […] … Continue reading

1996 D03 British Gas Metering Systems Group Has Considerable Experience Of Fiscal Gas Metering Irvine British Gas Plc

[…] andagree theproposals fromgassuppliers forthe fiscal metering systems associated withtheAgreements, The work ofthe Group developed toinclude preparation ofthe measurement provisions of the contracts, technicalsupportduringdisputes, witnessing factory acceptance andcommissioning tests,acceptance ofthe systems as being suitable forpayment purposes andwitnessing routinecalibrations for British Gasandforoutside companies, This hasgiven theGroup overthepast 13years unprecedented accesstowell over 50offshore and15onshore gasmetering systems-all different […] … Continue reading

1997 15 On Line Quality Control Of Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters Sakariassen Statoil K Lab

[…] Paper 15: ~ · ‘- ON -LINE QUALITY CONTROL OF ULTRASONIC GAS FLOW METERS Authors: R. Sakariassen, Statoil/K-Lab, Norway Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-organiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited unless permission from the authors and the organisers 15th North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop […] … Continue reading

1997 27 Wet Gas Sampling Welker Welker Engineering

NSFMW.97 North Sea FL Measurement Workshop Paper pl: WET GAS SAMPLING Authors: Thomas F. Welker, Welker Engineering Company, USA Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-organiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited unless permission from the authors and the organisers Main Index J WET GAS SAMPLING […] … Continue reading

1997 33 Factors Affecting The Performance Of Ultrasonic Flowmeters Brown NEL

[…] transit time and reflective (e.g. Doppler) meters over a common range of two· phase flow conditions. • Evaluation of clamp-on meter performance on a variety of pipe materials and in various flow conditions • Long-term performance and maintainability tests on a selection of liquid ultrasonic meters Completion of the current programme of work will […] … Continue reading

2000 11 Smart Monitoring & Diagnostics For Ultrasonic Gas Meters Lansing Daniel

[…] insure pipeline temperature is uniform and stable before comparing meter speed of sound with computed values from gas composition, pressure and temperature. One significant benefit in performing online comparisons between the meter’s speed of sound and a computed value is to provide a “health check” for the entire system. If a variation outside acceptable […] … Continue reading

2001 01 What Is The Uncertainty Of Your Quality Measurement System Jiskoot Jiskoot

[…] result of, the development of the North Sea. While sampling systems have always been a feature of the metering process, many metering systems installed on older plat forms have been modified to incorporate density or water-in-oil monitors (OWD or On-line Water in petroleum Devices) or both. Integrated systems are now also titled QMS or […] … Continue reading

2001 04 Using CFD To Investigate The Flow Through An Offshore Gas Metering Station Wilcox SGS Redwood

[…] line. The estimated total system error compare d with a system complying entirely with ISO 5167 related to the different streams on line is given below: Streams online Total system error 1-2-3 +0.4% 1-3-4 +0.7% 1-2-4 +0.4% 2-3-4 +0.3% As can be seen, the flow measurement error is consistent positive and small in magnitude. […] … Continue reading

2005 05 Density And Calorific Value Measurement In Natural Gas Using Ultrasonic Flow Meters Frøysa CMR

[…] With respect to the molar fractions of CO 2 and N 2, it may be sufficient to have a typical (estimate) valu e of these, so that online measurements of these may not be required. Another possibility may be to use infrared technology (IR) to measure CO 2. Alternatively, if a density measur ement […] … Continue reading