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1995 02 Introducing The Compact Prover In Brazil By Comparison Tests With A Conventional One Rezende Petrobras

North Sea Measurement Workshop 1995 Paper _2: Main Index INTRODUCING THE COlIPACT PROVER IN BRAZIL BY COMPARISON TESTS WITH A CONVENTIONAL ONE Author: Virgilio A. Rez.ende Petrobras,Brazil Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-oqaniser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited uni~ permission from the authors and […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 3 2002

[…] where one single sensor geometry can be used for the combined water detection and flow measurement. Various combinations of flow meters and water detection sensors have been tested in Statoil K-Lab’s wet gas test facility and a pilot sub-sea version of the new Wet Gas Meter is planned installed in one of Statoil’s gas/condensate […] … Continue reading

The Relevance Of Polynomial Corrections And Two Different Path Layouts For Master Metering Purposes In One Ultrasonic Meter

[…] for fiscal applications the past several years, and has been presented in every major conferences showing their significant benefits in use including in the ones of grea test interest for Norway: NSFMW and NFOGM . As the cost of gas continues to inc rease, the importance of knowing that the ultrasonic meter is operating […] … Continue reading

08 FMCs Erfaring Med Implementering Av MID I Prosjekter V Jon Gunnar Svartdal

[…] prosjekt, Valhall 2. Saksgang • Kommunikasjon med 3. part/Justervesenet • Sende inn dokumentasjon • Rask tilbakemelding pĂĽ innsendt dokumentasjon • Varsle 3. part i god tid før test/kalibreringsaktiviteter 3. Dokumentasjons behov, hva er nødvendig iht. direktivet? • Kort beskrivelse, GA og P&ID • Usikkerhets beregning • Funksjonell design beskrivelse • Inspeksjons og test plan […] … Continue reading

01 MĂĽleforskriften Steinar Fosse

[…] olje og gass er inkludert i tabell. • § 13 , • Dupliserte instrument funksjoner nevnes. • TrĂĽdløs kommunikasjon nevnes. • FlerfasemĂĽlere nevnes. Praktiske referanser knyttet til testing installasjon/testing og drift av denne type utstyr. OgsĂĽ nevnt i merknad til § 14. • § 20 , tekst vedrørende testing av mĂĽlere pĂĽ byggeplass litt […] … Continue reading

07 Ole Kr Vüga Mületekniske Leverandørkrav Til Rettstrekk Og Strømningsretter Oppstrøms En Gass Ultralydmüler

[…] svar, men dette samsvarer ikke alltid med realiteten on-site. AGA, NORSOK, OIML og ISO gir o ss en del generelle retningslinjer vedrørende dette temaet, samt krav til tester som s kal gjennomføres (”double out- of-plane bend” og lignende). De gir dog imidlertid rom for alternative rørkonfigurasjoner sĂĽ lenge nøyaktigheten ivaretas. Double out-of-plane bend Først […] … Continue reading

24 Turbulence Profile Effects On The Accuracy Of Ultrasonic Meters CEESI

[…] Summary Properly installed and calibrated, multipath ultrasonic meters (USM) have exceptional uncertainty. USM measurement success is due to their underlying physics, design , technological improvements , and testing. Their u nprecedented diagnostics are able to infer flow turbulence by looking at the standard deviation s in their signals. Ultrasonic Meter (USM) data where the […] … Continue reading

P11 A Torsional Vibrating Mass Flow Meter Suited For Large Pipe Diameters … GE Oil&Gas

[…] Phase -shift Figure 5 Frequency as a function of density of the flowing media. Demonstrator and results Figure 2 shows a demonstrator that has been built and tested to prove the concept . All parts were made from plastic. Neodymium magnets were press ed into the twister at the center and Âź of the […] … Continue reading

1984 13 Laboratory Analysis Techniques Atkinson Petrofina

[…] sample forsuch properties aslight endsand density, ithas been shown thatthealteration inthese properties oncethe: sample hasonce more settled oilfrom water isrelatively minor. It iscustomary toobtain a500 mlsample for testing forwater bythe laboratory. Secondly thelaboratory couldreceive asample ofoil fordirect '¡analysis. Inthis case itwould havetobeassumed thatanapproved procedure hadbeen used toobtain therepresentative sample. finally, thesample couldhavebeenobtained manually, bya.series […] … Continue reading

1985 10 Description Of The Two Phase Flow Laboratory In Trondheim Brandt SINTEF

[…] The results ofthe Two -Phase FlowProject arealready beingused for field calculations andSINTEr andIFEhave alaoexecuted auite a few studies forsingle clients. • NAINFEATURES OFTHE SINTEF .TWO-PHASE FLOWLABORATORV. The test unit isarranged asaclosed loopandconsits ofa400 m horizontal sectionof e inch pipe ,terminating inavertical riser 52 meters high.Thetwo-phase flowmixture comingoutfrom the riser topisseparated andoiland gasare taken tothe […] … Continue reading

1988 06 Ultrasonic Flowmeters For The Gas Industry Nolan British Gas

[…] M ENolan and J G O'Hair British Gas,London Research Station,LondonSW62AD. R J W Peters Daniel Industries Ltd.,Larbert, Scotland. S U l>1 MAR Y This paper describes thela test developments in the design, manufacture andoperation ofamultipath ultrasonic flowmeter. A number ofmeters havebeen inoperational useonBritish Gas sites forseveral yearsnow,andtheexperience gainedduring this time isreported. Development hasreached thestage […] … Continue reading

1990 17 Multiphase Fraction Metering Solved A Report Of The Latest Results Achieved Gaisford Multi Fluid

by TESTED PERFORMANCE OFTHE HlTEC/MULTI-FLUID WATER FRACTION METER S Gaisford Multi-Fluid Inc Paper 6.1 NORfH SEAFLOW MEASUREMENT WORKSHOP1990 23-25 October 1990 National Engineering Laboratory East Kilbride, Glasgow 1 MULTIPHASE FRACTIONMETERING SOLVED?AREPORT OFTHE LATEST RESULTS ACHIEVED WITHANEW TECHNOLOGY Scott Gaisford Multi-Fluid Inc.,Menlo Park,CAUSA SUMMARY This paper reports resultsachieved withanew multiphase fraction metering technol0&Y thatisbeing developed […] … Continue reading

1993 10 Field Testing Of The Multi Fluid LP Multiphase Meter Gaisford Multi Fluid

[…] mixture. The measurement method used in the LP Meter is the ‘resonant cavity’ method. It is one of the oldest methods of measuring dielectric properties oflow conductivity materials at high frequency and it is still the most accurate. It is almost exclusively a laboratory method, however. A resonant cavity is an electrically closed structure […] … Continue reading

1993 16 Practical Experiences With Multipath Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeters Sakariassen Statoil

1993 16 Practical Experiences With Multipath Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeters Sakariassen Statoil

1995 05 Why We Use Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter Sakariassen Statoil

lle asuremecd Workshop 1995 Paper 5: Main Index WHY WE USE ULTRASONIC GAS FLOW METERS – I . ~ Author: Reidar Sakarias5en Statoil, Norway . Organised by: Norwegian Society of C~-tered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement CCH>rganised by: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited unless permission from the authors and […] … Continue reading

1996 25 Verification Of Meter Performance And Well Allocation By Data Analysis Kemp Statoil

[…] VERIFICATION OFMETER PERFORMANCE ANDWELL ALLOCATION BY DATA ANALYSIS. AUTHOR FRANK KEMP STATOIL SUMMARY: The Statfjord fieldisnow pastpeak production. Sub-seatie-inofsatellite fieldstothe Statfjord C platform requirestheuse ofwell allocation by test seperator forownership allocationbetween fields. The fiscal metering stationisfor oiltransfer fromplatform storagetoshuttle tanker. The paper willshow how,bydata aquisition andanalysis, theoiltostorage flowmeasurement can be verified tofiscal standard, andwell […] … Continue reading

1996 D04 Practical Considerations Related To Multiphase Flowmetering Of A Well Stream Torkildsen Framo Engineering

FOCUSDISCUSSION GROUPD • • Pr acticalConsiderations RelatedtoMultiphase Flowmetering ofaWell Stream. B H Torkildsen, MrBV Hanssen, FramoEngineering AS • • I 1ÂŁ- 6-?- • THE NORTH SEAFLOW MEASUREMENT WORKSHOP1996 28th -31 st October 1996 Peebles HotelHydro, Scotlsnd PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS RELATEDTO MUL TIPHASE METERING OFAWELL STREAM by Bernt Helge Torkildsen andBirger VelieHanssen, FRAMOENGINEERING AS • ABSTRACTMultiphase […] … Continue reading

1996 D07 The Role Of An Oil Gas Metering Auditor In Common Carriage Pipelines Godfrey Kelton Engineering

[…] operators combinetheaudit criteria withtheaudit report. This means thattheaudit report canbesome SO pages longbefore anycomments have been made. Arethepeople whoreadthese reports atpipeline committee meetings really interested inthe listof test equipment used,ordo they need tohave copies of the densitometer calibrationcertificates ataparticular installation, especiallywhenthe audi torhas already tickedabox tonote thevalidity ofall test equipment, certification etc. 2.2 Comments […] … Continue reading

1997 18 Dry Calibration Of Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters De Boer Instromet Ultrasonics B. V.

[…] it is customary that turbine meters, or the newer ultrasonic gas flow meters, when used in fiscal metering or custody transfer metering applications, are calibrated in a test facility by comparison to standards or reference devices. For reason of practical and operational drawbacks, costs involved and availability of only a limited number of calibration […] … Continue reading

1997 20 Diagnostic Of Industrial Gas Flows By Ultrasonic Tomography Demolis ONERA

[…] for gas applications. Furthermore, recent papers have shown that, combining information delivered by multiple transducers, it is possible to reconstruct the three components velocity profile through a test section. For these reasons, we have decided to apply this technique, called ultrasonic tomography, to diagnostic industrial flows. To verify the reliability of the developed device, […] … Continue reading