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08 O Tesaker K Uleberg FluidMagic PVT Consistency I Allocation From Well Test To Field Level

08 O Tesaker K Uleberg FluidMagic PVT Consistency I Allocation From Well Test To Field Level

Noen Momenter Angüende Prøvetaking Av Naturgass

Noen momenter angĂĽende prøvetaking av naturgass til online analyse . (Tørres T. Stangeland og Jakob Aadnesen) Oppgavene vi skal utføre blir stadig mer komplekse. Lisenser som ikke kan levere gass pĂĽ spesifiserte krav blir satt i produksjon ved at en inng ĂĽr blande avtaler med andre som leverer gass til samme transport system som […] … Continue reading

(1) Nesse Ø To Recalibrate Or Not To Recalibrate

[…] gas USM stability concludes that Oil&Gas Authority ,UK: Experience with ultrasonic meters over the past 7 years has shown that meters are likely to show the grea test shifts in the first 6 months of operation. It appears that the meter bore becomes ‘conditioned’ in – service during this period. Cleaning of the meter […] … Continue reading

D3 05 Marcel Workamp VSL

[…] -cutting character; Complementarity of measurement services for • flow • gas composition • temperature and humidity • pressure • density • material data • Particles • material testing With kind permission of RISE 3 38thNorth Sea Flow Measurement Workshop Who we are • Chair: Annarita Baldan (VSL, NL) • Vice -chair: David Learmonth (TÜV […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 1 2010

[…] and engineering contractors now admit there is more to fiscal metering than just flow measurement. Quality metering in this context is used as a common word for online sampling and measurement of density, composition and other fluid parameters that affect the quality and price of the petroleum product. A liquid metering system generally includes […] … Continue reading

Calibration And Maintenance Of MPFM

1/4 Calibration and Maintenance of Multiphase meters . By Martijn Tol & Sverre Grimstad Introduction Multiphase meters are important instrument s for oil – and gas producing companies. During the last ten years t here has been made huge progress in technology a nd there is better understanding in the market about what can […] … Continue reading

Løypemelding ISO TC 193 Okt 2011

[…] 193/SC3/WG 2, Wet Gas measurement. God norsk deltagelse. Ble presentert av Dr. Richard Steven, pĂĽ NSFMW-2011.  ISO 10723, standard er snart ferdigstilt.  ISO/TC 193/SC3/WG 4, Online gas chromatography. Her hadde Thailand gjort et stykke arbeid, men det ble sendt pĂĽ en ny kommentar runde.  ISO/TC193/SC 1/WG20, Sampling. Dette arbeid er I […] … Continue reading

Gassanalyser Og Usikkerhet V CMR

[…] (linjetetthet, standard tettet, brennverdi, CO2 utslippsfaktor etc). Gasskvalitetsparametre blir ofte funnet ved hjelp av en mĂĽlt gasskomposisjon. Denne kommer i sĂĽ tilfelle som regel enten fra en online gasskromatograf eller fra en manuell prøve som er analysert pĂĽ et laboratorium. Fra denne gasskomposisjonen beregnes st ørrelser som tetthet etc. Usikkerheten i den mĂĽlte gasskomposisjonen […] … Continue reading

01 GC Kvalitetsoppfølging V Anfinn Paulsen

GC kvalitetsoppfølging NFOGM temadag 16.03.2007, Oslo Anfinn Paulsen, Gassco AS 2 1. BruksomrĂĽder 2. Regelverk 3. Krav til kalibrering, verifikasjon og oppfølging 4. Verifikasjon av analysedata Online komponentanalyser fra GC 3 1. Beregning av gasskvalitet parametre – ISO-6976: Molvekt, Rel. densitet, Std. densitet, Brennverdi, Wobbe Index) 2. Beregning av densitet ved driftsbetingelser (f.eks AGA-8) […] … Continue reading

02 Frøysa Müling Av CO2 Utstlipp

[…] 3) x Nedre brennverdi (MJ/kg eller MJ/Sm 3) x CO 2 utslippsfaktor (tonn /TJ) x Oksydasjonsfaktor 8 BrenngassmĂĽlestasjon – mange varianter MengdemĂĽler Trykk og temperatur Prøvepunkt TetthetsmĂĽler Online GC Eksportlinje 9 BrenngassmĂĽlestasjon – mange varianter MengdemĂĽler Trykk og temperatur Prøvepunkt TetthetsmĂĽler Gasskvalitet nr. 1 Gasskvalitet nr. 2 10 MengdemĂĽling Overordnet krav – brenngass • […] … Continue reading

(4) Marstein M Corrections Related To Operation And Calibration Of Liquid Flow Meters

[…] Pressure and temperature correction for Coriolis flow meters? – No standardized method – Built-in temperature sensor and correction – Sensitive to pressure – Fixed pressure input? – Online pressure correction? Coriolis flow meter Pressure effect on mass flow rate (%/bar) MicroMotion CMF400 (6- inch) – 0.016 E+H Promass 84F DN150 (6- inch) – 0.009 […] … Continue reading

20 Mismeasurement Management Experiences In Petronas Petronas

[…] assess the impact of a mismeasurement issue . 4.1 Recalculation methodology The recalculation methodology is in accordance with API MPMS 21.1 , which sets the requirements for online and offline computations to determine accurate flow quantities . The standard specifies two different methods to compute the flow rate from the sa mpled input data. […] … Continue reading

1985 09 Leak Detection For Subsea Oil Pipelines With Turbine Metering Dhalstrøm Phillips

NORTHSEAFLOW METERING WORKSHOP • ;’, , l , ‘.”I.eak :~detection “~””-” ~~~~ ‘fo~:subsea’Dil !pipelirie$.”~ “‘With-;~ur~ine.meterirlR~1 • —- MaronDahlstrem PHILUPS PETROLEUM COMPANYNORWAY • STAVANGER FORUM 5 – 7 November 85 importancethatfalse alarms iskept toaminimum ,so EKOFISK -TEESSIDE OILPIPELINE LEAKDETECTION The approach toaleak detection systemmi.g’h t be somewhat different fromametering system,inthat shortcuts can be made where […] … Continue reading

1985 13 On Line Gas Chromatograph Cox Daniel

Lecturer:Mr.Louis N.Cox Daniel Industries Inc. Norske Sivilingeni0t’et’s Forenmq NORTH SEAFLOW METERING WORKSHOP • Stavanger. 5-7November 1985 On-line qaschromatograph 3¡ 1- • Allrights reserved NIFandtheAuthor ” • • ON-LINE GASCHROMATOGRAPH Lou COX Daniellndustries, InC. P ,0, Box 19097 Houston, Texas77224 INTRODUCTION Gas ehromatography isaphysical methoeofseparation where the components to be separated aredistributed between twophases -astationary […] … Continue reading

1987 12 A Summary Of Methods On Calculations Of Gas Density Cousins Sarasota Automation Ltd.

-~. ¡.- NORWEGIAN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ENGi NEERS NORTH SEA FLOW METERING WORKSHOP 13 -15 October 1987 Stavanger Forum, Stavanger A SUMMARY OF METHODS ON CALCULATIONS OF GAS DENSITY Main Index J ‘——-“”” Lecturer: Mr. M. R. Pritchard, Sarasota Automation Ltd. Authors: T. Cousins and P. Mason Al I rights reserved NI F and […] … Continue reading

1989 02 A New Gas Density Meter With Reduced Velocity Of Sound Effect Stansfeld Schlumberger

[…] OF SOUND EFFECT J. w. Stansfeld Schlum~er9er Industries Transducer Division Farnborough SUMMARY Gas Density Meters are now widely applied on major Gas Metering Stations where their per formance is critical for achieving high accuracy of flow measurement. Over the past few years much valuable experience has been gained and it is now considered desirable […] … Continue reading

1989 06 The KO210 Flow Metering Control System Standal Kongsberg Offshore


1990 15 South European Pipeline Central Proving Facility Convert Societe Du Pipeline Sud EuropĂŠen

[…] RESUME The following textdescribes theexperience ofauser ofametering system withcentralized calibration inamulti-product, multi-user crude oilpipeline. Italso describes thegeneral principles ofthe metering system,theprecautions tobetaken whendesigning it,the periodical on-the-spot checks andtheglobal control, includingthe centralized turbinemetercalibration stationofFos-sur-Mer. 1 PRESENTATION OFSOUTH EUROPEAN PIPELINE South European Pipelinewasfounded in1958 bythe major oilcompanies supplying WesternEurope. It isone ofthe main pipelines supplyingthecenter ofEurope. […] … Continue reading

1998 05 An Ultrasonic Gas Flow Measurement System With Integral Self Checking Letton Daniel

[…] MEASUREMENT SYSTEMWITH INTEGRAL SELFCHECKING. Chip Letton, DanielMeasurement andControl Douglas Pettigrew, DanielMeasurement andControl Brian Renwick, DanielMeasurement andControl James Watson, NationalEngineering Laboratory 1 INTRODUCTION Ultrasonic flowmeters arebecoming increasingly accepted forfiscal measurement ofnatural gas, asreflected inthe latest standards, regulations, andcodes ofrecommended practice such asNPD Regulations andGuidelines 1997and AGA 9. . • Since thisisanew method ofmeasurement tomany operators, […] … Continue reading

1998 23 Uncertainty Of Complex Systems By Monte Carlo Simulation Basil FLOW Ltd

[…] ! t::::::::::I:~::::::::t:::::::::::::::~:;Q:::::::::::::::1::::::::::::~~:~:~::!~::?:~:Q:::::::::::t:::::::::::~::::?Q)~j:~g:::::::::::::::::::l Using AGA8, thedensity uncertainty ofanatural gasarises fromthefollowing sources: a) pressure measurement uncertainty; b) temperature measurement uncertainty; c) gascomponent uncertaintyfrom: CO 2, N 2, C1toC7+ – online gaschromatograph; H2S -analyser; C8 toC12 -C7+ tailfrom periodic sampleanalysis d) theuncertainty ofthe AGAB calculation method. • Conventionalanalyticaluncertainty callsforacalculation ofthe sensitivity ofthe gas density to each ofthe […] … Continue reading