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1999 03 Experience With Ultrasonic Flowmeters In Fiscal Applications For Oil ( Products) Hogendoorn Krohne

Introduction Last years the number of applications for fiscal metering of oil (-products) with a multi beam ultrasonic flowmeters has been increased significantly. The growing interest for this type of fiscal metering is mainly due to specific advantages. Besides the high accuracy and complete independence of viscosity, the long-term stability is very good. These […] … Continue reading

2004 13 The Oil & Gas Industry Can Now Benefit From Digital Plan Architecture Ellender Emerson

[…] at all times to ensure production is not compromised. In the event of a gas supply disruption it is imperative that the highest producing wells be kept online whilst maybe choking back production on lower yield wells. In this scenario it is critical that the gas consumption data of the wells and well output […] … Continue reading

2005 13 ISO 3171 Allocation Sampling For Challenging ‘Tie Ins’ And Low RVP Production Hydrocarbons Jiskoot Jiskoot Ltd

199 Page 1 ISO 3171 Production Hydrocarbons Allocation Sampling for challenging “Tie-ins” with pressures close to RVP breakout. By Mark Jiskoot, Managing Director, Jiskoot Ltd. Summary Introduction There are an increasing number of applications where sampling is required for crude oils and condensates at close to vapour breakout in production environments. These are typified […] … Continue reading

2007 22 Uncertainty Analysis Of Emissions From The Statoil Mongstad Oil Refinery Frøysa CMR

[…] the fuel gas composition. The carbon factor is determined in several ways depending on the actual situation at the process plant in question. Some examples are: • Online GC for the fuel gas. • Online GC for a fuel gas that is close to but not equal to the fuel gas in question. • […] … Continue reading

2008 15 Features Of Allocation Systems Incorporating Long Pipelines Stockton Smith Rea Energy Ltd

[…] bias. It also discusses the wider implications for allocation systems in general, particularly in terms of how the assumptions, equations and logic of a system should be tested at the conceptual development stage to prevent problems occurring. In Section 2 a simple model is used to describe an allocation system associated with a pipeline. […] … Continue reading

2010 21 Diagnostic Fingerprint – A New Method For Fully Automated Accuracy Monitoring In Ultrasonic Meters Schäfer Sick

      Paper 8.3 Diagnostic Fingerprint – A New Method for Fully Automated Accuracy Monitoring in Ultrasonic Meters Stephan Schäfer SICK AG Toralf Dietz SICK AG Thomas Horst SICK AG Konrad Peterka OÖ. Ferngas Netz GmbH Volker Herrmann SICK AG 28 th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 26 th – 29 th […] … Continue reading

2017 20 Mismeasurement Management Experiences In Petronas Ahmad Petronas

[…] assess the impact of a mismeasurement issue . 4.1 Recalculation methodology The recalculation methodology is in accordance with API MPMS 21.1 , which sets the requirements for online and offline computations to determine accurate flow quantities . The standard specifies two different methods to compute the flow rate from the sa mpled input data. […] … Continue reading

(1) Einarsen Frode Erfaringer Med Gasskromatografer I Fakkellinje

[…] – sammensetning. Mao. En konstant karbonfaktor. • Delkonklusjon: Usikkerhetsgrensen for karbonfaktor vill ikke bli overholdt med denne forenklingen. • Flere alternative løsninger ble utredet: • Installasjon av online gasskromatograf (GC) • Utprøving av metodikk for bestemmelse av karbonfaktor ut fra mĂĽlinger i mengdemĂĽleren. • Lab -prøver var ikke et alternativ pga. variasjoner i fakkelstrømmen […] … Continue reading

2018 10

[…] compelling business case for all well MPFMs – Safety – operator travel reduced by 20% and less exposure processes hazard; – Integrity – automated, corrosion monitoring; real time leak detection; optimum chemical injection and prevention of reservoir formation/fracture damage; – Increased production, increased ultimate recovery; – OPEX/CAPEX savings; – Improved hydrocarbon accounting. • Questions???? Conclusions … Continue reading

Ljones Nina, Operational Principles For Gassco Operated Systems – From Field To Exit Point

[…] • Gassco Transport Control Center (TCC) coordinates deliveries based on shippers nominations • Nominated volume, quality, time and destination • Metering and reporting of produced quantities • Online signals • Production reports sent to Gassco Allocation • Determine the fields and shippers’ ownership of transported quantities • Dry gas • Products • Fuel & […] … Continue reading

Oiestad Ole, Prøvetaking Separator Hva Kan Gü Galt

[…] mĂĽ en ha standard tetthet og vanninnhold • Standard tetthet: kan mĂĽles med tetthetsmĂĽler (anbefalt) eller ved manuell prøve pĂĽ lab • Vann innhold: kan mĂĽles med online WIO mĂĽler eller ved manuell prøve pĂĽ lab. Begge metoder avhengig av manuell representativ prøve NFOGM Fagdag 2023 30.03 Stavanger 7 PRØVETAKING AV OLJE Hvilke utfordringer […] … Continue reading

An Hour With Doctor Flowmeter

[…] spool -piece style, bar – stock style, or insertion devices. They range from inexpensive to medium priced to fairly expensive models with hi gh precision and special materials. Because they measure the average velocity in the fluid directly, spool -piece magmeters can accurately measure flow. Other flow technologies that can rival a magmeter for […] … Continue reading

An Hour With Doctor Flowmeter By Boyes

[…] spool -piece style, bar – stock style, or insertion devices. They range from inexpensive to medium priced to fairly expensive models with hi gh precision and special materials. Because they measure the average velocity in the fluid directly, spool -piece magmeters can accurately measure flow. Other flow technologies that can rival a magmeter for […] … Continue reading

The Effects Of Flow Conditioners Using USM

[…] diagnose a partially blocked flow conditioner when flowing crude oil, and are the pressure drops associated with using these devices worth the performance gain? This article includes test data that addresses the above concerns from volumetric proving methods and mathematical perspectives. We will make reference specifically to the Caldon 4 and 8 path meter […] … Continue reading

How To Combine Measurement Uncertainty With Different Units Of Measure By Rick Hogan

[…] different values for the variable ‘x.’ This method is very helpful when trying to e stimate the magnitude of uncertainty influences that you are not able to test. Instead, you can use mathematical simulation to estimate the change in the measurement result. Similar to finding your sensitivity coefficients, you will use the given values […] … Continue reading

02 Stornes Audun, Some Key Legal Aspects Related To Allocation From Contract Negotiation Phase To Cessation

[…] MPE; basis for all TPAs – Most of the main provisions are set whilst appendices are left “open” ▪ GTC Article 17 – Significantly developed in la test revision of the GTC – Governs “Measurement, testing, sampling, allocation, reallocation and value adjustment” – GTC Article 17 the basis for Appendix C to be established […] … Continue reading

1989 20 Code Of Practice For ISO 5167 Grenier Gaz De France

[…] it was indeed very active, as SC2 had approved almost all that had been written in COP and was just asking for more. WG 8 concentrated on questions other than mechanical ones : edge sharpness, flatness, centering, straight lengths, flow straighteners, etc. were already covered, and more guidance was needed on calculations , uncertainties, […] … Continue reading

1993 19 Standardisation Of Multiphase Flow Measurements Dykesteen CMR

[…] with different performance specifications. The specifications are given by the manufacturer of the instruments, but without reference to any common standards. The different meters have all been tested on differen~ and in many cases proprietary. test facilities, and conventions for good practice for testing and specification of multiphase meter perfonnance are lacking. • On […] … Continue reading

2003 10 The Transit Time Difference Ultrasonic Gas Meter A Reassessment Zanker Daniel Industries

[…] (Ref. 5, 16 & 17) has shown that this might be possible, but some doubts remain about “pressure or gas effects”. For example with the nitrogen/natural gas test s (Ref 16.) Some results are shown for the calibration of a 12” USM in series with a 12” turbine meter against a reference bank of […] … Continue reading

2008 13 Allocation Computer Systems – Considerations For Vendors And Cusomers Alderson Smith Rea Energy Limited

Paper 5.1 Allocation Computer Systems – Considerations for Vendors and Customers Richard Alderson Smith Rea Energy Limited James Arthur Smith Rea Energy Limited 26 th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 21 st – 24 th October 2008 1 Allocation Computer Systems – Considerations for Vendors and Cusomers Richard Alderson, Smith Rea Energy Limited […] … Continue reading