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06 BS7965 2013 – “An Overview Of Updates Sick

[…] these improved the document ;  To capture new meter sizes;  To reflect performance offered by modern meters ; and ,  To integrate the la test operator experience. One of the main drivers in revising the document was the more f requent use of smaller meters, e.g. 2” & 3” meters, as […] … Continue reading

16 Installation Effects And Flow Instabillities CMR

[…] ghness value is equivalent to the grain size of the sand corns on a sand paper coatin g the inner walls of the pipe. In the calibration tests, the reported profile flatness fr om the MPU 1200 was typically 90 % and constant over the meter velocity range. Test si mulations in a very […] … Continue reading

1982 13 Future Metering Systems Sonic Nozzles Bosio Institute For Energy Technology

[…] flow, although established analytically and experimentally before 1900, did not become popular in flow measurement until the 1950’s. At that time critical flowmeters were used as a test device in performance evaluation of gas tur­ bines and within the aerospace industry in its rocket propulsion projects. From these applications came an optimized critical flow […] … Continue reading

1984 11 Measurement Errors In Exploration And Production Resulting From Ignoring The Properties Of Water Hollett BP

[…] e andisactually doneat60 D e theanswer is not %volume waterat15 D e asmost people assume. Theerrors involved due tothe confusing mixtureoftemperatures involvedarenot significant given theoverall accuracy claimedforthe test. Itis the authors view that thismethod isnot sufficiently accurateformodern massmetering installations. If the water content isdetermined bythe Dean andStark Distillation technique (IP358) theanswer generated agatnrelates toaconcentration […] … Continue reading

1984 16 Field Experience With Compact Provers Grant Phillips

[…] systemisthat there would be less risk oflost production duetothe time theplatform prover mustbeout ofservice. After consideration ofthe advantages anddisadvantages of the compact prover, Phillips enteredintoadevelopment contract to test anddemonstrate thefeasibility ofthis type system. Wehad toassure ourselves thatthere wasno accuracy problem, thendemonstrate thecompact prover .oo K.s" system tothe Norwegian Authorities. Thecompact prover ~OQ manufactured byFlow-Technology […] … Continue reading

1985 04 Investigation Into The Velocity Of Sound Correction Applied To Gas Density Measurement Wilcox Total Oil Marine

, . ANINVESTIGA TlONINTO THEVELOCITY OFSOUND CORRECTION ~~ .. ———– • • APPLIED TOGAS DENSITY MEASlREMENT AUTHORS: PLWILCOX, TotalOilMarine PLC,Aberdeen, Scotland M TAMBO, LROSENKILDE, Dan test,Copenhagen, Denmark H TUNHEIM, ElfAquitaine Norge,Stavanger, Norway H DANIELSEN, Statoil,Norway SUMMARY This paper givestheresults uptoand including October1985ofthe joint experimental researcheffortintothevelocity ofsound correction associated with Solartron densitymeters. Thewhole ofthe experimental […] … Continue reading

1986 02 Computer Simulations To Determine The Optimum Sampling Frequency During Custody Transfers King NEL

[…] errorisinversely proportional tosampling frequency~ 7 Before usingtheresults of·Table 7to estimate anoptimum sampling frequency a measure ofthe sampling accuracy requiredmustbedecided. WilsonandRichards (5) estimated thatthebest obtainable accuracyfortheoverall sampling/transfer/ handling/sub-sampling/lab- testing procedurewas±0.05 percent. Thisestimate included therepeatability/reproducibility fortheKarl Fischer titration water analysis methodwhichwasquoted as.0.02/0.06 percent upto the 1.5per cent water content. Ifthis isthe case thenitwould bepointless tryingtoreduce the […] … Continue reading

1986 03 Offshore Experience With The Endress And Hauser Water In Hydrocarbons Monitor Shirran Shell

[…] fullcertification cover. We therefore purchasedoneunit -the dual cellmodel withClass 900 piping specification and5%range. Togain someexperience quickly, without theobvious disadvantages ofworking ona"live" offshore platform, wepursued abrief programme ofonshore testing. A small pumped testrigasused (seeFigure 1) with gasoilasthe fluid, since thishasadielectric constantsimilartothat ofour crude oil. Measured quantities ofwater wereadded, andtheresulting mixture analysed bythe Karl Fischer titration […] … Continue reading

1988 09 Field Experience Using Coriolis Mass Meters II Dean Chevron Petroleum

fIELD-;X ~ERIENCE .lSIC C )RlO SM ASS ME'ERS-·11 by R V' Dean Ch -vron Ptroleurn (UK) Ltd Paper 2.4b ~()RTH SEAFLl)W METERING WORKSH(P1988 18·20 October 1'188 National E~gin~ering Laboratory East Kilbride. Glasgow FIELD EXPERIENCE USINGCORIOLIS MASSMETERS PARTU R W Dean, Chevron Petroleum (UK)Limited, Aberdeen REASONS FORINST ALLA TION On the Ninian Central Platform, operatedbyChevron […] … Continue reading

1989 08 Pipeline Oil Analysis For Allocation At Ecofisk Thowsen Phillips

• Norwegi an Society of Chartered Engineers NORTH SEA FLOW METERING WORKSHOP Rica Maritim Hotel, Haugesund October 24-26, 1989 “Pipeline Oil Analysis for Allocation at Ecofisk” Lecturer: Oddfinn Thowsen Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway Reproduction is prohibited without written permission from NIF and the author Main Index …….. fil Pipeline oil analysis for allocation at […] … Continue reading

1990 07 Gas Flowmeters Repeatability And Accuracy Might Be Impeded By Elemental Sulphur Deposition Bosio K Lab

[…] of2cartridges ofthe 3 compressor inletfilters, releasing dirt,dustandrust. It was proved thatthere wasnorelation betweenthetwo occurences asthe sulphur deposit stillappeared inthe nozzle throatafterhaving replaced thecollapsed filters. A series of tests, varying theoperating conditions, was then undertaken. Thefindings fromtheinvestigations are summarized inthe following. Pl’essure Tests toinvestigate theinfluence ofpressure onthe deposit phenomenon, atafixed gastemperature of37°e, produced thefollowing findings: […] … Continue reading

1990 10 Multi Phase Flow Metering Smørgrav Kongsberg Offshore

[…] ………………………… 4 NULTIPHASE FLOryNETER ….. … … ..• … . . .•.. .. 5 DESIGN DATA…. .. …. … …. … .. . . .•. … 6 TEST FACILITIES .. .. ..’.’ … …. .. … .. … … 7 LABORATORY TEST.. .. …. … ….• . … . .. … .. 8 FIELD […] … Continue reading

1990 14 Orifice Plate Discharge Coefficient Equation Gallagher Shell

[…] orificeplates ~of differing origins. A statistical comparisonofthis newdata setwith theexisting Buckingham andStolz equations showedasignificant lackoffit. As discussed later,comparison failedtosubstantiate the uncertainty limitspreviously appliedtothe existing equations. Regression ef fortstorefit theBuckingham andStolz equations failed tomeet thephysical andstatistical goals.Asaresult, the RGequation wasdeveloped whichisstatistically superiorto the currently acceptedequations. The RGequation isbased onour current understanding ofthe physics. Theequation iscomprised […] … Continue reading

1991 04 Field Experience With Coriolis Mass Meter On Hydrocarbon Liquid Myhr Norsk Hydro

• Norwegi an Society of Chartered Engineers NORTH SEA FLOW lfEASUREMENT WORKSHOP OCTOBER 22. -24. 1991 SOLSTRAND FJORD HOTEL, BERGEN -NORWAY FIELD EXPERIENCE WITH CORIOLIS MASS :METER ON HYDROCARBON LIQUID Lecturer: Mr. Sveinung Myhr Norsk Hydro A/S Main Index Reproduction is prohibited whithout written pennimon from NIF and the author JJLHYDRO FIELD EXPERIENCE WITH […] … Continue reading

1993 14 Cariolis Mass Flow Measurement Nicholson NEL

[…] examine the generic behaviour of Coriolis Mass Flowneters in practical applications. To this end, eight manufacturers each supplied a one-inch naninal bore meter. The calibration results fran tests on these meters are sumnarised. None of the results discussed are directly attri.l::uted to a particular mmufacturer to preserve confidentiality a.rrangarents . The tests covered a […] … Continue reading

1994 02 Wet Gas Flow Measurement By Means Of A Venturi Meter And A Tracer Technique Leeuw Shell

[…] theactual gasrate, provided theentrained liquidflowrateor wetness isknown. Atechnique hasbeen developed tomeasure theliquid flowratein a wet gas stream, whichisbased onthe tracer dilution technique usingfluorescent dyes. Laboratory experiments andfield tests under various operating conditions have demonstrated thattheliquid flowratecanbedetermined withinthetarget accuracy of 10%. Hence thegas flow ratemeasurement canbecorrected towithin approximately 2% to4% accuracy. Thenewtechnique makesitpossible todevelop satellitegas […] … Continue reading

1994 16 Developments Of Multipath Transit Time Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters Zanker Daniel

[…] timeisthat through the gas alone’, whereas themeasured timeincludes delaysduetocables. electronics, transducers and thetime intothereceived waveform wheretheDSP chooses todetect thesignal arrival. The average delaytime(AvgDly) forapair oftransducers ismeasured ina test cellorthe meter body using nitrogen, wherethevelocity ofsound isk.nown fromIUPAC tablesto0.1%. Some orders ofmagnitude willhelp examine timingaccuracy: – With anultrasonic frequency of100 KHztheperiod T = lOps – […] … Continue reading

1994 20 Framo Multiphase Flow Meter Field Testing Experience Olsen Framo Engineering

Site Customer Period FRAMO MULTIPHASE FLOWMETER -FIELD TESTING EXPERIENCE FROMSTATOIL GULLFAKS AAND B PLATFORMS ANDTEXACO HUMBLETESTFACILITIES • Ame B.Olsen andBirger V.Hanssen Framo Engineering AS,Bergen, Norway SUMMARY ANDCONCLUSIONS The tests performed atthe Gullfaks Aand Bplatform andTexaco’s testfacilities atHumble havegiven important experience withtheFRAMO Multiphase FlowMeter system atfield conditions. At the Gullfaks Bplatform, themeter wasinstalled inseries withatest […] … Continue reading

1995 00 Opening Address Bosio Statoil

[…] but all of them deserve a great thank for having made possible real cost savings in the development of new production fields. The results of the ongoing test programmes on multiphase metering which will be presented on Wednesday will offer an updated status of the achievements which have been reached since the last Workshop […] … Continue reading

1995 04 In Situ Calibration Of Flare Gas Flow Metering Systems Sevel FORCE

[…] plant opera­ tors . Supplementary measurements of temperature, pressure, and density and/or mole­ weight are performed by plant operators or flow meter service operators . The typical test procedure involves the following steps • transport of equipment (ship) and personnel (helicopter) to platform • ·arrange necessary working permit • install injection unit at first […] … Continue reading