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1996 08 Assessment Of Multiphase Flowmeter Performance Whitaker NEL

• •• • ASSESSMENT OFMUL TIPHASE FLOWMETER PERFORMANCE Dr. Tim Whitaker Fluids andProcess Technologies Division NEL East Kilbride G75OQU 1 INTRODUCTION The objectives ofthe Multiflow JIPrun byNEL onbehalf ofAmerada Hess,Brasoil, BP, Exxon, Mobil,Schlumberger andShell Expro weretocharacterise theperformance of commercially availablemuItiphase flowmeters onasingle testbed facility withhighquality reference flowratemeasurement systems.Theresults fromtheproject willbeused bythe sponsoring organisations asbenchmark […] … Continue reading

1996 22 Fluidic Pressure Pulse Transmitting Flowmeters For Remote Oil Flow Measurement Wang University Of Sheffield

-, • FLUIDIC PRESSURE PULSETRANSMITIING FLOWMETERS FOR REMOTE OILFLOW MEASUREMENT HWang, GH Priestman, SB M Beck andRFBoucher” Department ofChemical andProcess Engineering, UniversityofSheffield *Present address:Principal andVice-Chancellor, UMIST,Manchester • • Summary Details aregiven ofthe development ofno-moving-part fluidicdevices forthe measurement ofoil flow deepinthe production stringwhere theflow issingle-phase. Two devices havebeen investigated whichgenerate pressurepulsesatafrequency proportional tothe flowrate. Thepulses […] … Continue reading

1996 D01 Recent Developments In Flow Measurement As It Relates To The Oil And Gas Industry Cheshire Fisher Rosemount

[…] have access toawide range ofreal-time processdata. 2 • ~1r~~~——–~~–o—o–o—–OI—-~ L-_…J:I… / .—J -1.2 • MuItivariable™ Transmitters • A Limiting factortoDP/orifice metermeasurements hashistorically beenthelimitations on range (nominally 4:1). Testdatafrom fourMultivariable’P’ transmittersshowthatdifferential pressure doesnotsignificantly affecttheflow datauntil 8:Irange down isachieved. Uncertainty is due largely tothe geometry andinstallation ofthe orifice plateitselfandproperties ofthe gas or liquid suchasviscosity anddensity. Indeed,theflow […] … Continue reading

2002 09 Evaluation Of Clamp On Ultrasonic Gas Transit Time Flowmeters Natural Gas Ting ChevronTexaco

[…] ChevronTexaco Exploration and Production Technology Company Houston, TX, USA and X. Shirley Ao GE Panametrics Waltham, MA, USA ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of meter performance tests of the Clamp-on Ultrasonic Gas Transit Time Flowmeter GC868 now manufactured by GE Panametrics. Evaluation tests were conducted during the week of December 3, 2001, at […] … Continue reading

2003 08 Determine The Liquid Content Of A Wet Gas Stream And Provide A Sample Of The Liquid Phase Jiskoot Jiscoot Ltd

[…] f chillers and co o ling co ils. Ho wever t hese t est s served to prove that the basic principle was valid. During the first tests it became apparent that some basic performance for the sieve could be ascertained by locating the peak temperature of the exothermic reaction. At the highest flowrates […] … Continue reading

2003 15 Experiences With A Fiscal Metering System Using Coriolis Meters Svendsen VTM

[…] and conde nsat e – Less maint enanc e – Spac e, weight and price – V endors dlcice-several bidd ers propos ed Coriolis – Ope n for”neW’te chnologyr egarding fiscalmete ring gas and cond ensat e Coriolis-meter principle ~ Observetubet>Msti~ Why Norske Shell decided to use coriolis? • Gas and condensate in the […] … Continue reading

2003 16 Long Term Operational Experience Of Turbine Meters Balla MOL Rt

[…] thb Austrian in- takb station indicatb good stability of that mbtbrs in both mbtbr runs. -1.00 -0.f0 -0.b0 -0.40 -0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.b0 0.f0 1.00 Seriab test deviation, f HU_M2 (b0420) HU_M3 (b0419) AU_M1 (b015f) AU_M2 (b0159) 199b.09. 199b.10. 199b.11. 199b.12. 199b.12. 1997.01. 1997.03. 1997.03. 1997.04. Date Ffg. 3. Sebfal tests 1996 – […] … Continue reading

2006 D01 Wet Gas Metering Combination Of DP And SONAR Flow Meters Gysling CiDRA

[…] determined wetness sensitivity coefficients to solve for the gas and liquid rates based on the outputs of the venturi and SONAR meters installed in series on a test loop. The combination was shown to accurately measure gas flow rates to within ~+/- 2% and liquid rates to within +/-10% over a wide range of […] … Continue reading

2007 08 A Discussion On Wet Gas Flow Parameter Definitions Hall BP

[…] Gas Flow Parameter Definitions Andrew Hall, BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd., Pipeline Systems Team, Aberdeen, UK. E-mail: [email protected] Douglas Griffin, Head, Petroleum Measurement & Allocation, BERR ( formerly DTI) Energy Group, Aberdeen, UK. E-mail: [email protected] Richard Steven, Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc., 54043 WCR 37-Nunn, Colorado 80648, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 1. Introduction For more […] … Continue reading

2007 10 V Cone Wet Gas Metering Steven CEESI

[…] meter the gas and liquid phases simultaneously. The complexity of most wet gas meters means that they tend to be expensive (relative to standard gas meters). There fore, due to economic necessity, many wet gas flow applications still have single phase gas meters being fitted to meter wet gas flows. This situation is not […] … Continue reading

2007 11 Pressure And Temperature Effects For Ormen Lange Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters Lunde CMR

[…] Lange (nominal P&T, 230 barg, 40 oC) Æ Ormen Lange (actual P&T), – Westerbork (63 barg, 7 oC) Æ Possible new flow calibration (new P&T conditions). – Online "living" correction factor, based on the (simplified) analytical model B. – Accounts for the effects A and B in Table 3.2. – Implemented in the flow […] … Continue reading

2008 19 New Correction Method For Wet Gas Flow Metering Based On Two Phase Flow Modelling Salque TOTAL

Paper 7.1 New Correction Method For Wet Gas Flow Me- tering Based on Two Phase Flow Modelling: Validation on Industrial Air/Oil/Water Tests at Low And High Pressure Géraldine Salque TOTAL Jean-Paul Couput TOTAL Pierre Gajan and Alain Strzelecki ONERA Jean-Luc Fabre, GDF Suez 26 th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 21 st – […] … Continue reading

2013 P01 Subsea Sampling On The Critical Path Of Flow Assurance Vethe OneSubsea

[…] field development plan to commence many years after the exploration phase, which was the time when the first samples were taken, either downhole or at the well test separator. Although details of the sample may have been recorded precisely, fluid compositions, properties and characteristics might have changed. As a result, assumptions are often made […] … Continue reading

2014 21 Orifice Plates With Drain Holes Reader Harris NEL

[…] liquid is introduced to the pipeline over a short period of time, but thereafte r the gas flow is dry. In this case there is no need for wet-gas measurement; the problem is that during periods in which there is some liquid flow a pool o f liquid will build up against the upstream […] … Continue reading

2015 06 BS7965 2013 An Overview Of Updates Wrath Sick

[…] these improved the document ;  To capture new meter sizes;  To reflect performance offered by modern meters ; and ,  To integrate the la test operator experience. One of the main drivers in revising the document was the more f requent use of smaller meters, e.g. 2” & 3” meters, as […] … Continue reading

2015 16 Installation Effects And Flow Instabillities Sætre MR

[…] ghness value is equivalent to the grain size of the sand corns on a sand paper coatin g the inner walls of the pipe. In the calibration tests, the reported profile flatness fr om the MPU 1200 was typically 90 % and constant over the meter velocity range. Test si mulations in a very […] … Continue reading

(5) Skatvedt Rolf, Metering Løsninger Som Danner Grunnlag For Ressursforvaltning Av Olje Og Gass –

[…] � �� � � �� 3 ℎ = � �� ∗ ∆ � ����� Instrument tubing , valve manifolds, etc. Transmitter Prosess Atmosfære Atmosfære Isolering Vent / Test Utlikning Transmitter Prosess Vent Stengt S Åpen Å S Normal operasjon Transmitter Prosess Vent Å Å S S Å Ikke i operasjon Transmitter Prosess Impulse tubes […] … Continue reading

07 Data Reconciliation In Microcosm Accord And DP Diagnostics

[…] The results of applying this approach to a real 4+1 path USM are shown in Table 2. This data comes from an 8”, schedule 80 flow meter tested at a n atural gas flow laboratory. The data consist of poin ts nominally at 15 Bar. The calibrated 4 path and 1 path USM relative […] … Continue reading

2018 05 Real Time Networks Project With SGN

[…] at six minute intervals. Weather stations in the region are recording ambient temperature and wind speed to understand the relationship between local weather and gas demand. Laboratory testing of renewable technologies has been undertaken to look at the impact that green energy sources will have on gas demand. A schematic of the project is […] … Continue reading

2018 08 Sensor System For Detecting Gas Hydrate Formation And Deposition

[…] Experiments have been carried out in a high -pressure flow loop to examine the measurement system unde r conditions similar to those experienced at petroleum installations. The tests were carried out at Southwest Research Institute as a part of DeepStar project 11204 “Monitoring of hydrates in pipelines.” A sensor was mounted at the top […] … Continue reading