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05 Opplæring Og Kompetansekrav Klimakvoteforskriften V Rolf Skatvedt

[…] Duggpunkt, en av mange analyser som i utgangspunktet virker enkelt, men som er meget komplisert. 3 6 10 Sm kg C° bar Atm Andre muligheter for feil? Online duggpunkt Laborant 10 bar Konstant = ∗ ∗ Z T V P 150 bar Oil, Chemicals and Agri (Caleb Brett Division)March 2007 Kalibrering / Justering Måle […] … Continue reading

07 Nytt NFOGM Verktøy For Bestemmelse Av Kombinert Usikkerhet Kjell Eivind Frøysa

[…] stations (1999 & 2003) Turbine oil metering stations (1999 & 2003) Ultrasonic gas metering stations (2001) © Christian Michelsen Research AS Behov for mer fleksibilitet  Online gasskromatograf? Gasskomposisjon fra prøvetaking (sporadisk eller periodisk)? Målestasjon med parallelle løp? Andre måleteknologier, Coriolis? Klimakvote-rapportering Andre store og små behov Usikkerhetshåndbok – NFOGM Temadag 22. mars […] … Continue reading

Fiskale Målinger Av LNG

[…] rundt bruk av komposisjonsmålinger for å bestemme begge egenskapene . For å bestemme sammensetning av LNG, altså andelen av de ulike bestanddelene som nevnt tidligere , er online gasskromatograf i vanlig. Man får da målt komposisjonen av gassen som testes. Rent praktisk ko ples en prøvetaker til røret som fører flytende naturgass mellom skip […] … Continue reading

(8) Jacobsen E Regelverk Og Standarder, Oppdateringer Innenfor Olje Og Gassmåling

Status standardiseringsarbeid NFOGM temadag 10. mars 2015 Endre Jacobsen 2016 -02-09 Classification: Open Standardisering: Formål • The main goal for standardization within the metering discipline are to ensure effective standards and method for conceptual design, engineering, specification, testing and operation/maintenance of fiscal, allocation and governmental controlled metering and analysis system. • Effective use of […] … Continue reading

(8) Jacobsen E Regelverk Og Standarder, Oppdateringer Innenfor Olje Og Gassmåling

Status standardiseringsarbeid NFOGM temadag 10. mars 2015 Endre Jacobsen 2016 -02-09 Classification: Open Standardisering: Formål • The main goal for standardization within the metering discipline are to ensure effective standards and method for conceptual design, engineering, specification, testing and operation/maintenance of fiscal, allocation and governmental controlled metering and analysis system. • Effective use of […] … Continue reading

Introduction To Statistics By R Hogan

Introduction to Statistics By Rick Hogan Estimating uncertainty in measurement requires a good understanding of Statistics and statistical analysis. While there are many free statistics resources online, no one has created a statistics guide specifically for the estimation of uncertainty in measurement. In this article, I have compiled a comprehensive list of the statistical […] … Continue reading

(8) Marstein Morten NFOGM Web Tool For Uncertainty Calculation

[…] turbinmåler Målestasjon med turbinmåler Målestasjon med turbinmåler Målestasjon med turbinmåler Målestasjon med coriolismåler Eksempel • Kontinuerlig måling • Kapasitet 250 m3/t (200 tonn/t) • 2 x 4 -tom coriolismåler • 1 x 4 -tom coriolis mastermeter • Online tetthet –and -uncertainty -programs/ Målestasjon med coriolismåler Målestasjon med coriolismåler Målestasjon med coriolismåler Målestasjon med coriolismåler … Continue reading

NFOGM Innspill Standardisering Okt2018

[…] kan forventes av vanlige enfase gassmålere har ved bruk i våt gass betingelser. Eirik Åbro (Equinor) er nominert inn i arbeidet o ISO/ TR 14749 :2016 ‘ Online gas chromatograph for up stream area’ har blitt publisert med følgende omtale: TR 14749:2016 concerns the determination of hydrocarbon components up to C7+ in natural gas […] … Continue reading

1983 04 On Line Gas Densitometers Stansfeld Solartron

[…] the density meter continues to operate to speci fication. Installation c h ecks are normally ca rri~d out ~s part of a syst e m type approvcJJ test ..lnd d11riny t:•m1mj~sio ning .. 'J'lw rt· an .­ several possibilities for caJibration checks on the densitom eter. Often the tests are comprehens ive and frequent […] … Continue reading

1984 04 Field Experience With Liquid Densitometers Krupa Sarasota Automation Ltd

by FIELD EXPERIENCE WITHLIQUID DENSITOMETERS S KRUP A SARASOTA AUTOMATION LTD PAPER 1.4 NORTH SEAFLOW METERING WORKSHOP1984 16-18 October 1984 National Engineering Laboratory East Kilbride, Glasgow FIELDEXPERIENCE WITHLIQUID DENSITOMETERS STEPHEN KRUPA INTRODUCTION This paper discusses theproblems encountered· withthemeasurement of two different typesofliquid hydrocarbons. Crudeoilisprobably metered morethanother petroleum productsbutcauses difficulties due to the pre sence […] … Continue reading

1988 04 The Calculation Of The Isentropic Exponent For The Metering Of Natural Gas Gent British Gas

[…] molecularweight,density, isentropic exponentaswell asthe roughness ofthe pipe andthesize ofthe orifice plateitself. The differential pressureacrosstheorifice plate,staticpressure, relative densityandtemperature ofthe gasare constantly measuredandthe actual values areused inthe calculation offlow. Online flow calculations areperformed inadedicated flowcomputer. Thevalues of other parameters dependentongas composition areplaced inthe computer for the calculation ofthe flow andonly altered whenamarked change ofgas composition occurs. […] … Continue reading

1989 05 Computer Concepts Data Security And Availability Wulffers HCS

[…] of processors in the Tandem system e.g. – capacity 13 gasflow calculations and 5 oilcalculations frequency every 5 sec . all calculations done – modular extendable – online programming and conf iquration – prover loop control and supervision – all further basic and standard functions Above mentioned requirements were set in close co-operation with […] … Continue reading

1989 12 Experience Of Monitoring Oil Measurement System Performance And Most Common Errors Hollett BP

[…] ~4;1· ~~-~ ii· :, . :-i …. .. : . . : .1 : ··-.. ~:-: . •.'!I.~. t . . . .. -r.’./ . x. Norwegi an Society of Chartered Engineers Main Index NORTH SEA FLOW METERING WORKSHOP Rica Maritim Hotel, Haugesund October 24-26, 1989 .. “Experience of Monitoring Oil Measurement ‘ );r~ […] … Continue reading

1989 13 Measurement And Allocation For Production Through Ekofisk Nielsen Phillips

• Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers NORTH SEA FLOW METERING WORKSHOP Rica Maritim Hotel, Haugesund October 24-26, 1989 “Measurement and Allocation for Production through Ekotisk” Lecturer: Arne S. Nielsen Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway Reproduction is prohibited without written permission from NIF and the author Main Index INTRODUCTION The planning and development of the Ekofisk […] … Continue reading

1992 00 Opening Address Flow Measurement The Last 10 Years Danielsen Statoil

[…] ofCOSTALD and outlined theirplans to improve thecorrelation tobe valid fortemperatures near to the critical temperatur andforhigher pressures. Up till to-day, COSTALD hasgained increased acceptance andisbeing usedasan ” online” densitycalculation methodinthe flowcomputers inseveral NorthSeametering systems. Calculation ofGas density This wasthesecond lecturebyR.W .Hankinson. The paper ismissing inmy folder butIthink themain topicofthe lecture wasabout what wascalled atthat […] … Continue reading

1993 06 New Networked Fiscal Metering System For The Phillips Ekofisk Complex Sørensen Holta & Håland

Main Index NORWEGIAN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ENGINEERS NORWEGIAN soc1m fOR Oil AND GAS MEASUREMENT NORTH SEA FLOW MEASUREl.fENT WORKSHOP 1993 26 -28 October, Bergen New Networked Fiscal Metering System for the Phillips Ekofisk Complex by Mr. Flemming S.rensen, Holta & Hiland A/S, Nonmy Reproduction is prolnbited without written permission from NIF and the author […] … Continue reading

1995 08 Enhanced System For Crude Oil Mass Flow Measurement Bø Multi Fluid International

[…] high accuracy. During the last few years, several new technologies and products have been introduced, making a simplification possible. The system proposed in this paper is thoroughly tested and verified in a series of successful tests and installations, and is expected to help operators reduce operating expenditures and improve their profit. The system consists […] … Continue reading

1997 23 European Intercomparison Of The Calibration Of Gas Density Meters Tambo FORCE Institute

[…] INTERCOMPARISON OF THE CALIBRATION OF GAS DENSITY MET.ER AND AN INTRODUCTION TO A GUIDELINE TO THE DETERMINATION OF GAS DENSITY Authors: Marianne Tambo and Tove Sogaard, The FORCE Institute, Denmark Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-organiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited unless permission from […] … Continue reading

1998 D02 Discussion Of Issues In Multiphase Flow Metering Laboratory Experience And Practice Hall NEL

North Se a Measurement Workshop 1998 FOCUS DISCUSSION GROUPB MULTIPHASE 1-TESTING & STANDARDS FORMULTIPHASE METERS A Hall, National Engineering Laboratory • • • PAPER 25 " " • Discussion ofissues inmultiphase flowmetering ~laboratory experience andpractice Andrew Hall National Engineering Laboratory,UK 1. Introduction There areanumber ofissues relating tothe acceptance anduseofmultiphase flowmeters – this short document […] … Continue reading

2004 08 A Powerful New Diagnostic Tool For Transit Time Ultrasonic Meters Freund Daniel Measurement & Control Inc

Paper 3.1 A Powerful New Diagnostic Tool for Transit Time Ultrasonic Meters Klaus Zanker and William Freund, Jr. Daniel Measurement & Control Inc. North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 26–29 October 2004 1 A POWERFUL NEW DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR TRANSIT TIME ULTRASONIC METERS Mr. W. R. Freund, Jr., Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc. Mr. K. […] … Continue reading