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1994 07 Design Of A Tube Bundle Conditioner From Aerodynamic Concepts Gajan ONERA

1994 07 Design Of A Tube Bundle Conditioner From Aerodynamic Concepts Gajan ONERA

1998 D01 Year 2000 Smailes Total

[…] Acomparison ofa ±10% accuracy multiphase meteragainst alaboratory referenceof±1% isquite different toa comparison betweena±1 0% accuracy multiphase meterandafield reference of±1 0%. In-situ calibration andthevalidation ofmultiphase metersinservice remainlargely unanswered questions. 5. Furthertechnical challenges In addition toquestions ofaccuracy calculation, standardisation andfield practice, anumber of technical issuesalsoremain. Theselargely arisefromthedevelopment ofmultiphase metering overrecent yearstoalevel where it is worth examining […] … Continue reading

2009 11 Calibration Errors Ultrasonic Meters Bernoulli Laboratory Due To Non Isothermal Conditions Van Den Heuvel KEMA

[…] peak, since it might very well lie between two calibration points.) 1. INTRODUCTION The facility: Established in 1978, the Bernoulli laboratory in Westerbork, the Netherlands, provides re search and calibration services with high pressure natural gas under flowing conditions. Figure 1 – Arial overview of the Bernoulli laboratory in Westerbork, the Netherlands The facility […] … Continue reading

ISO TC30 SC2 N0549 ISOTC 30SC 2 Work Programme Aug 2019

[…] A OIML Inter national Organization of Legal Metrology A Liaisons A: Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical committee or subcommittee for questions dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee. W ork programme – Augus t 2019 Identifier Title Stage Drafting Body Stage/Comments ISO 5167 -3 (Rev) Measurement […] … Continue reading

2018 18 Extensive Analysis Of Performance Of Using Venturi Meters For

[…] performance in any field conditions. For companies having multiphase metering experts, this can be validated by themselves but if this is left to people without a clear training or ideas of the importance of the input parameters this can lead to output data at line conditions well outside of the expected and claimed uncertainty. […] … Continue reading

Chinello Modelling Wet Gas Flow In Venturi Tubes

[…] with the experimental one for three different experimental datasets . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dr Emmelyn Graham supported this investigation by providing the NEL data and valuable assistance on technical questions . NEL and HINT B .V . staff provided insight and expertise to this investigation . We thank them all . This investigation is the output […] … Continue reading

D4 03 Jos Van Der Grinten PTB

[…] calibrate with air • Combine analytical model and numerical solution of boundary layer equations • Result meets target uncertainty of 0.15% 24 38thNorth Sea Flow Measurement Workshop Questions ? 25 38thNorth Sea Flow Measurement Workshop Contact Information PTB • Dr. Jos van der Grinten • [email protected] • +49 531 592 1425 • Dr. Bodo […] … Continue reading

D4 07 Phil Stockton Accord

[…] C Which of the following is true: Heads and tails sequences H T H H T T H T T H T H T T H T H The Introspective Orifice Plate To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. … Continue reading

Skålvik Astrid Marie, Simplified Sensitivity Analysis Of Common Allocation Methods A Practical Approach

[…] for collaboration towards establishing industry best practice • Some of the open issues which could be further investigated in follow -up JIP • ORF uncertainties • Comparison of different allocation methods (per component versus total, use of ORF or not) • … Thank you. Astrid Marie Skålvik assk@ Senior Scientist Questions ? Comments? … Continue reading

Evensen Kjersti, Gas Lifting And Balancing Agreement A Practical Implementation On Skarv

[…] transparency from well to sales point for the fields , the partners and for Aker BP as a shipper Field allocation and redelivery Gassco allocation and redelivery Kårstø allocation and material balance Shipper share and stock Field yields ; Rich gas, dry gas and NGLs Kårstø losses Thank you Any questions? Kjersti Evensen [email protected]Continue reading

06 Skålvik A, Workflow For Allocation Uncertainty Analysis

[…] result from all allocation calculations is the allocated value → oil, gass or component allocation uncertainties propagate through value calculations. For simpler value estimations this propagation can be straight – forward, but for more complex value estimations more studies are required. Correlations Thank you. Astrid Marie Skålvik assk@ Senior Scientist Questions ? Comments? … Continue reading

07 Szwangruber M, Practical Use Of Allocation Uncertainty Analyses

[…] practice Official guidelines Establishment and maintenance of allocation uncertainty budget Hydrocarbon Management Workshop 2023 ▪ Individual approach for each installation ▪ Scope of work ▪ Methodology and delivery ▪ Maintenance responsibility ▪ Cost ▪ Confidentiality/transparency ▪ Legal framework ▪ One Team Establishment and maintenance of allocation uncertainty budget Challenges/ questions Hydrocarbon Management Workshop 2023 … Continue reading

6 2014 06 05 Peter Black Standards In Hydrocarbon Accounting

[…] Workshop, Stavanger June 2014 Peter Black Choosing a topic Pain Lack of best practices Use of spreadsheets Data integrity and reliability Under -valued profession Knowledge transfer and training Identifying best practice Hard 35 % Very Hard 30 % Easy 25 % N/A 10 % ISO 22 % H&S 17 % Others 39 % Internal […] … Continue reading

1998 17 Field Tests Of The Esmer Multiphase Flowmeter Toral PSL

[…] investigator canbeand should beimparted intothemodel in many ways. Forinstance withreference toan operator's experience onaparticular wellor with reference tothe legacy ofclassical fluidmechanics. ESMERhastaken advantage ofthis legacy inselecting the" training targets". To summarise thephilosophy ofESMER andtodefine itsdistinctive character, wecan saythat ESMER isaflow measuring systemthatlearns byexample ratherthanbeing dictated bythe conceptual anddeterministic fluidmechanics models. • Page3 variable 11..–:/ […] … Continue reading

1999 00 Opening Address Peters Daniel

[…] flow measurement. To do this, the delegates need information to let them plan their metering strategy for the future. The Workshop has always had an element of training in it. It seems to be timely for the Workshop committees to review the Workshop programme. Let us invite production engineers to the workshop to describe […] … Continue reading

POSTER 4 Digital Transformation – GC And Measurement Validation Anwar Sutan

[…] -based monitoring software that iswidely used in the UK North Sea .Anwar currently as Director in i-Vigilant, overseeing the support of the GC data monitoring, services, and training of GC with the use of GCAS . Together with i-Vigilant’s team, Anwar developed UniCapture, an edge data collector /analytics platform that can be used to […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 1 2007

[…] av Rotterdam. Hele anlegget bygges under tak for maksimal temperatur stabilitet. Euroloop skal drive med mer enn kalibrering. Av aktiviteter kan nevnes: • Kalibrering, verifisering og type testing av industrielle mengdemålere.(Oljer og natur Gass) • Industrielle eksperimenter.(prosess teknologi og strømning) • Utdanning og trening for høyskole og universitetsnivå EuroLoop vil innholde følgende: • Kalibreringsrigg […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 1 2002

[…] Dette betyr at hvis du skal kunne føle måle- Norge på pulsen må du sende din e-mail adresse til Else Dahl i NIF ([email protected]). Ny sammenlignende laboratorie test på gang av Steinar Fosse, OD Oljedirektoratet vil i samarbeid med Justervesenet, Norsk Akkreditering (NA) også i 2002 gjennomføre en sammenlignende laboratorietest (SLP) som omfatter alle […] … Continue reading

Nytt Fra NFOGM 4 2003

[…] arbeider med, eller skal arbeide med, fiskale/CO2 avgiftsbelagte mengdemålinger. Kurset vil ha en gjennomsnittlig gjennomføringstid på en time og kursdeltakeren kan skrive ut kursbevis etter bestått slutt- test. Kurset vil bli tilgjengelig fra NFOGM’s hjemmesider og foreligge i norsk og engelsk versjon. “Kurset vil bl.a. inneholde ulike måleprinsipper.” Atlantia as er en relativt nystartet […] … Continue reading

Trym Et Norsk Felt Som Produseres Via En Dansk Installasjon

[…] maksimalt ± 5 % (95 % konfidensnivå). Denne vurderingen tok utgangspunkt i kalibrering av flerfasemåleren på land før montering offshore og deretter jevnlig verifikasjon mo t eksisterende testseparator på Harald. Med utgangspunkt i studiene som var blitt g jennomført ble det i PUD søknaden beskrevet et målesystem med følgende hovedpunkter:  Systemet skal designes […] … Continue reading