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19 Systematic Bias In Pro Rata Allocation Schemes CMR

[…] through a 1 st stage separator with metering equipment meeting fiscal standards. Field B’s production is measured by a subsea multiphase flow meter, with no possibility for testing or verification towards topside metering system . Field C is measured by a topside multiphase flow meter, with the possibility of p eriodic calibration against a […] … Continue reading

Key Note ErnstYoung

[…] and medium/long term technology bets must be part of the R&D slate ▬ Access to capital and the correct industry/soft funding mix is critical ▬ Access to test facilities and field trials trends must be reversed ► Risk/Reward and valuation ▬ Great technologies and great companies create great value ▬ Angel –and VC investment […] … Continue reading

P04 Flow Testing Validationof A New One Subsea NO PAPER

Flow testing validation of a new method for formation water and MEG measurement in wet gas using a water analysis sensor and a Venturi Andrew C Baker, Harald Solheim, Rolf Rustad & Alexandre Lupeau OneSubsea, a Schlumberger company Simplified schematic of a gas well One -pass flow rig for testing MEG -water measurements Primary […] … Continue reading

P07 The Case For Integrated Process Simulations In Allocation Accord Energy

[…] 1 st Stg Sep A Feed 35 th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 24 th– 26th October 2017 17 Figure 20 – Process Flow Diagram of Test Model 35 th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 24 th– 26th October 2017 18 Table 1 – Allocation Results Components A1 (kg) A2 (kg) B […] … Continue reading

P12 Application Of The Magnetic Resonance Multiphase Krohne

[…] is evident that accurate knowledge of the amount of net oil produced is needed to determine whether a well is still economica lly viable. In a well testing campaign in which a mobile version of the M -PHASE 5000 is applied, several wells producing at high water cut are measured. For wells producing at […] … Continue reading

1982 02 Review Of Mass Measurement Nesbakken Norsk Hydro

[…] of ~he · physi~al·: .propert;ies of the gas . One of the probl . ems is, however, that different standards give different results. Also even the la test ISO-standard (ISO 5167-80). issued in 1980, differs as much as O. 4% from some recent laboratory results. The standard itself gives a tolerance of ~0.6 – […] … Continue reading

1982 09 Mechanical Displacement Meter Provers Jellfs Moore, Barrett & Redwood Ltd

IDR.SKE SIVILINGENI~RERS FORENING MFASUREMENT OF GAS AND LIQIUDS June 7-10, 1982 Rogaland. Regional College Stavanger MOCHANICAL DISPIACEMENI’ ME’l’ER PROVEPS LJ:!cturer: Peter A.M •• lellfs Technical Director Main Index •…….•.•••• ) MX>re, Barrett & Re&Nood Ltd. England REPROIIJCTICN IS PRJHIBrtm WITR’.X1I’ PERMISSICN FR:M NIF AND THE AorHOR -1- MECHAN ICAL DISPLACEMENT METER PROVERS 1. INTRODUCTION […] … Continue reading

1982 11 Vortex Meter And Coriolis Mass Flow Meter Nesbakken Norsk Hydro

Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Rogal and Regional College MEASUREMENT OF GAS AND LIQUIDS Rogaland Regional College, Stavanger 7.-10. June 1982 Vortex Meter and Coriolis Mass Flow Meter Geir Magne Nesbakken Norsk Hydro a.s Porsgrunn Fabrikker All rights reserved NIF and the auther. Main Index Vortex meter The vortex meter represents one of the […] … Continue reading

1983 08 Regulations For Fiscal Measurement Of Oil And Gas Øglænd NPD

[…] were under different phases such as p la nning, expl orati o n and design. The metering section hasdivided the control into 3 phases: l. Design 2. Test 3. Operating Evaluation and appr oval o f syst em design Evaluation, witnessing and appr o ­ val of syst em te sts Continuous inspection during […] … Continue reading

1983 09 Development Of ISO Standards Uncertainties In Flow Measurement Spencer NEL

[…] to the flowrate measured by a transfer standard device. The calibration of this device then means that its indications have been checked against an accredited flow measurement test facility and it can be used to transfer this flowrate to .a lo~al site. The modern industrial world depends upon accurate measurement whether the best that […] … Continue reading

1984 17 Practical Field Operation Of Compact Provers For Master Proving Bayliss Occidental Petroleum

[…] o i Is for annualmafitei proof'reca Librat.Lon ofUK offshore: platform pipe'prove rs , . Techniques weredeve Loped touse the' small volume andhigh speed ofoperation ofa"compact provertoits grea test advantage andimprove uponthetraditional APIImethods of proving. INTRODUCTION Occidental Petroleum(Caledonia) Ltd.operates' anoil pipeline on behalf ofaconsortium totheir terminal onFlotta, Orkney. The live crudes feedirigthe lineareeXported fromtheir Piper […] … Continue reading

1985 12 Field Experience Measuring Water Dewpoint In Natural Gas Carlsen Elf Aquitaine

[…] gasisproportional tothe amount of moisture absorbedfromthesample gas.Glycol mayinterfere the mea sureme nt. • 5. CONDUCTIVITY. Thismethod utilize theincrease inthe electrical conductivity ofglycerol according tothe concentration ofwater. Apressure testchamber is equiped with acell consisting oftwo thin horisonta1 layersof stainless steelsepareted byan isolating ceramicmaterial. The eight pocket holesofthe cell arehalf filled withconductive glycerol andbehave asindependant electronicpairs.Water […] … Continue reading

1986 15 The Relationship Between The Number Of Passes And The Accuracy Of A Compact Prover Noble Emerson Electric

[…] on the validity ofthe assumptions whichhavetobemade. TheIRNL is particularly diff icultto estimate becausealthough itmay be regarded aspart ofthe prover's uncertainty (owingtothe small volume) itssize cannot beestimated from test runsonother meters. In general it is unlikely thattheuseofdata involving various meters canbeused toprovide usefulestimates ofthe uncertainties. Such estimates canreally onlybeused as'worst case'figures because ofthe difficulty inassessing […] … Continue reading

1987 10 Effects In Expansibility Factor For Subsonic DP Flow Meters At High Pressure Finjord Rogaland Regional College

[…] and third virial coefficients are calculated from a prototype cubic equation of state. Important cancellations between real-gas effects, which put equati­ ons of state to a severe test at high pressure, are revealed. The exact result raises doubts about the general applicability of the current ISO standard in a high accuracy approach for orifice […] … Continue reading

1987 13 The D&H Z Meter Used As Volume Correcting Device In Turbine Metering Stations Van Caneghem Metering Department

[…] Furthermore, in most cases an extrapolation to 60 or even 70 bar does not give rise to any errors greater than .1 z The method was also tested for gases containing over 251. nitrogen or 257. C02. The . 17. threshold is only crossed at the limits of the temperature range , i.e. towards […] … Continue reading

1988 19 Operating Experience With A Compact Prover II Groeneveld Moore Barrett & Redwood

[…] . . . I . . , . . .{ I• . ' … . I .. . .. . , " 00 0 rJ ~ HISTOGR AMS 'Fig3 – Calibration by Master Meter' … ~.Upstream … '_'~..:.-~~~ .'-':-'.~" ~–.– '._ Meo,n __. . 1oo·~40 _. __ '._10~.~~, … -1 .. rOOj6_~_ . _… […] … Continue reading

1991 01 Effects Of Flow Characteristics Downstream Of Elbows On Orifice Meter Accuracy Karnik NOVA HUSKY

1991 01 Effects Of Flow Characteristics Downstream Of Elbows On Orifice Meter Accuracy Karnik NOVA HUSKY

1992 01 The Orifice Plate Discharge Coefficient Equation Further Work Reader Harris NEL

[…] of EEC and API flov measurement experts in New Orleans in 1988, and emphasis is placed on the two principal changes to the equation: improved tapping terms for low Reynolds number have been calculated; and an additional term for small orifice diameter has been obtained, and its physical basis in orifice edge roundness given. […] … Continue reading

1992 09 Flow Conditions In A Gas Metering Station Thomassen Insitutt For Energiteknikk

by I .. I I I I I ,. I I I I ‘- I I I I I II I FU1fI cnIDITlOOS IN AGAS ME.”l’ERIN; STATlOO D Tharassen arrl MLangsholt, InsituttforEnergiteknikk arrl RSakariassen, Statoil Paper 3.1 N)RTH SEA FU1fI MEA.SUREMENI’ IDRKSHOP 26-29 October 1992 NEL, East Kilbride, Glasgow I ~ I I I […] … Continue reading

1992 16 Compact Large Bore Direct Mass Flowmeters Matthews Schlumberg

[…] tobe kept similar tothat ofaturbine meterforbore sizes of4inch and above. Themeter provides outputsofmass flow,density andtemperature. Its naturally ruggeddesignoffersveryhighpressure containment. The research hasbeen performed bySchlumberger Industriesin collaboration withStatoil. Testsresults fromNorsk Hydro, Porsgrunn are presented showingrepeatability of±0.05 % and linearity of±0.25 % for a4 inch bore meter atflow rates upto350 tonnes/hr. Page2 I II I I […] … Continue reading