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1993 01 Metering In The Real World Stobie Phillips

[…] all those conditions, which are so important for consistent, reliable and even accurate metering. WPDOCGIS .%6-doc TABLE 1 -TYPICAL NORTH SEA PLATFORM METERS FISCAL GAS OIL ANCILLARY TEST SEPARATOR lST STAGE SEPARATOR 2NDSTAGESEPARATOR GAS COMPRESSION GAS1REATMENT GAS LIFT WATER INJECTION FUEL GAS FLARE FIRE WATER SUBTOTAL 3 off 3 off 1 oil 1 oil […] … Continue reading

1994 05 Shortening Installation Lengths Using A Low Loss Vaned Flow Conditioner Laws University Of Salford

SUMMARY Recent developments in flow conditioning haveshown that pre conditioning adistwbed flowprior to a per forated plateflowconditioner canproduce adevice capable ofproducing ‘idea’flowconditions within very short installation lengths.Whistthisapproach involvescomhining twodevices andthus complicates theinstallation thebenefits gainedinterms ofshortened installation lengthsand improved downstIeam flowquality faroutweigh thisdisadvantage. Thepresent paperisconcerned with afurther investigation intothe vaned platedescribed byLaws & 0uazzane(1) and […] … Continue reading

1994 14 V Cone Meter Gas Measurement For The Real World Dahlstrom Phillips

PAGE1 • V-Cone meter: Gasmeasurement forthereal world Maron J. Dahlstrom Phillips Petroleum CompanyNorway • Summary This paper describes theperformance ofthe V-Cone metersused for Embla testseparator gasmeasurement, startingMay1993. The advantages anddisadvantages foruse ofthis technology on the partially processed gasatan offshore platform isdiscussed. • it has been shown intests thattheV-Cone meterjunctions wellwith wet gas conditions. Thelong […] … Continue reading

1994 19 Field Testing Of The FIuenta WIOM 300 Water In Oil Monitor Farestvedt FIuenta

Note th at this page was not part of the original paper, but has been added subsequently to make the paper searchable in Google Scholar. Field testing of the FIuenta WIOM 300 – Water-In-Oil Monitor L Farestvedt • • • • 4PLUENTA’ s . £…- L Farestvedt: Fieldtesting orthe FIuenta WIOM300-Water-In-Oil Monitor The North […] … Continue reading

1995 26 NPD Regulations. Recent Updates. NPD’s Attitude When New Technology Is Introduced Fosse NPD

[…] Our policy in this matter will,however , as a start up be to accept new technology on less critical metering points to build up experience/confidence. The grea test challenge for a regulatory authority will then be to accept the new equipment at the right time (see fig 2) . It is no doubt that […] … Continue reading

1996 04 Crude Oil Expansion Coefficient Third Rhomax

[…] measurement instruments isdescribe, andtechniques forusing datathus gathered forfurther usefulanalysis is described. Tentative volumecoefficient. sbased onsuch field measurement data,suitable foruSC:: with various different mixesofcrude/water/condensate, aredescribed. Note thatinthe following testtheterm “expansion” isused asmeaning “changeinvolume”, which can be inboth apositive or II negative direction. • where. • ~c THECURRENTREGUME THESTAl”lDARDS API 2540 CONCEPT OFVCF To predict thevolume […] … Continue reading

1996 11 Ultrasonic Metering On An Offshore Gas Platform Robbins ARCO British Limited

[…] Summary A trial was conducted onthe AReO BritishLimited (ABL)operated Thames Alphagasgathering platformtoevaluate theaccuracy and performance ofamulti-path USM(UltraSonic Meter)downstream ofa production separatorandinseries withaorifice platemetering station. Throughout thetrial the test meter performed withoutfailures ofany kind anddemonstrated avery highdegree ofaccuracy and repeatability. The success ofthis trial haspermitted theuse ofUSM’s ontwo new ABL operated platforms, Trent & Tyne, […] … Continue reading

1996 14 Multipath Ultrasonic Flow Meter Performance Grimley Southwest Research Institute

[…] • • installation effects,andlong term performance. This suggests that,ascompared toother commonly used natural gasmeter types(orifice, turbine), thereisnot a .large published information baseonthe performance of ultrasonic flowmeters. The tests published todate (including thosebyvan Bloemendaal andvander Kam,(S) vanderKam etaI., (6) Vulovic etal. (7~ have been conducted onavariety ofupstream disturbances and ondifferent metertypesandsizes. Overall, thepublished resultsindicate thatunder […] … Continue reading

1996 18 Two Phase Effects On Single Phase Flowmeters Skea NEL

[…] Two-Phase EffectsonSingle-Phase Flowmeters A.F. Skea, NEL Summary The effect ofgas entrainment inoil on the performance ofarange ofsingle- phase flowmeters hasbeen investigated experimentally usingthenational standard flowcalibration facilitiesatNEL. Theflowmeters testedwere4inch positive displacement, venturi,helicoidal andflat-bladed turbinemeters anda 2 inch U-tube anda1.5 inch straight tubecoriolis meters. Theflowmeters were tested inoil flow with gasfractions upto15% byvolume. • The volume […] … Continue reading

1997 05 X Ray Visualisation And Dissolved Gas Quantification Multiphase Flow Research And Development Hall NEL

[…] liquid fraction and a large gas core . (The eccentric position of the gas core resulted from a slight misalignment of the X-ray instrument with the vertical test section). L .. l Alds 2 ! Pha us : 011, Wat er& Oas Time: 1 8:11 :1 7 Date : 06/0811996 Comment None . A<ei· […] … Continue reading

1997 09 Flow Metering Concepts, An Engineering Contractors Experience Brunborg Kværner Oil & Gas

[…] day, and when something as the ultrasonic flowmeter appears, there is always a great interest in the industry for these new “components “. Everyone would like to test it, but in the end there is a great reluctance to tray out something where the field experience is limited, or none existing. Well proven technology […] … Continue reading

1997 12 A Practical Example Of Uncertainty Calculation For A Metering Station Midttveit CMR

[…] the value of the measurand is unknown. Therefore, the uncertainty of the result of the measurement should be evaluated and used in specifications and documentation of e.g. test results. Random error: The result of a measurement minus the mean that would result from an infinite number of measurements of the same measurand carried out […] … Continue reading

1997 31 Master Meter Method Dupuy Faure Herman

NSFMW.97 North Sea FL Measurement Worbhop Paper 3′: MASTER METER METHOD Authors: Philippe Dupuy, Faure Herman, France Organiser: Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement Co-organiser: National Engineering Laboratory, UK Reprints are prohibited unless permission from the authors and the organisers Main Index J North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop […] … Continue reading

1998 03 Present And Future Oil Company Needs In The Area Of Flow Measurement Danielsen Statoil

[…] NORTH SEAFLOW MEASUREMENT WORKSHOP1998 PRESENT ANDFUTURE OILCOMPANY NEEDSINTHE AREA OFFLOW MEASUREMENT Mr Harald Danielsen, Statoil Mr Endre Jacobsen, Statoil 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of·this presentation isto put forward some.operator-viewpoints-on needsfor improvements withinthearea offlow metering. The focus ofthis paper ismainly onfiscal metering; bothforexisting andfuture offshore platforms. • Fiscal metering inthis respect includes exportmetering ofoil and […] … Continue reading

1998 12 Ultrasonic Wet Gas Measurement Dawn Gas Metering Zanker Daniel

[…] buildupdoes notcause anacoustic link between thetransducers andthebody ofthe meter. This paper details ourexperiences withwetgas measurement andtheresults fromthese specialised meterswhenusedinliquid saturated gasesinharsh process conditions. 2 PRE·COMMISSIONING Following theflow testing atBishop Auckland themeter skidwas shipped offshore for installation. Onceallthe installation hadbeen completed pre-commissioning and commissioning tookplace. • i. Inpre-commissioning weset upthe skid with nitrogen at10 to15 […] … Continue reading

1998 13 Multiphase Metering The Challenge Of Implementation Jamieson Shell

[…] multiphasemeteringwillgetabad name, operator confidence willbe lost and fullimplementation ofthe technology couldeasily bedelayed for,say, fivetoten years. Multiphase flowmeasurement isnot new. Indeed, suchmeasurements aremade routinely at most production facilities:a test separator combined withitsinstrumentation. infact forms a multiphase flowmeter. Whatisnew isthe changed attitudetowards thesemeasurements. Oil companies havedecided ondetailed requirements forsuch measurements, andtogether with scientifiC andindustrial instrumentation specialistsareworking […] … Continue reading

2000 06 Challenges For Improved Accuracy And Traceability In Ultrasonic Fiscal Flow Metering Lunde CMR

[…] bare pipe installation. An installation downstream bends with a flow conditioner installed, may also cause a shift of several tenths of a percent relative to the baseline test using the same flow conditioner. This demon- strates that the output from a USM may depend on the type of flow conditioner, and that the flow […] … Continue reading

2000 19 Application Rules For Vortex Shedding Flowmeters, Making A Selection Easy Albers Shell

[…] With the vortex flowmeter as one of the intended workhorses for flow, a program was started to verify the specifications of those instruments. The purpose of the test was in particular to focus on application related subjects, like flow profile, temperature, vibration, pulsation and viscosity. Those tests were performed on the makes and models […] … Continue reading

2001 10 Optimisation Of Flow Measurements In A Pulsating Flow Van Bokhorst TNO

[…] fig. 5.2. (So lines of the spectrum are missing if the coherence is less than 0.95) An overview of some results of the measurements for the various test cases are shown in table 5.2, measurements have been performed for stream A, for stream B only and for stream A and B in parallel. The […] … Continue reading

2001 25 A Ray Theory Approach To Investigate Influence Of Flow Velocity Profiles On Transit Times In USM Frøysa CMR

[…] Flow Measurement Workshop, Kristiansand, Norway, 22-25 October 2001 A ray theory approach to investigate the influence of flow velocity profiles on transit times in ultrasonic flow meters for gas and liquid Kjell-Eivind Fr?ysa a) , Per Lunde a) and Magne Vestrheim b) a) Christian Michelsen Research AS, P.O. Box 6031 Postterminalen, N-5892 Bergen, Norway […] … Continue reading