Participating member countries in ISO TC30/SC2 are asked to nominate experts for contribution in working group (WG11) for the upcoming revision of the ISO 5167. Document N548 has been issued by ISO/TC 30/SC2 to be responded by national body (Standard Norge) before 18th September 2019. Firm confirmation about participation should be in place within 11th Sept 2019
Following frame conditions are observed:
- Comments have been received from different member bodies for the systematic review of ISO 5167-1:2003, ISO 5167-2:2003 and ISO 5167-4:2003
- Work Items has been agreed to revise the above standards under the default track of 36 months
- The scope of the above standards remains unchanged
- Work will be undertaken by existing working group ISO/TC30/SC2/WG11 with dr. Michael Reader-Harris as Convenor
- WG 11 currently also undertakes revision of ISO/TR 15377:2007 ‘Guidelines for the specification of orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes beyond the scope of ISO 5167’
- Target dates for ISO 5167: DIS (Draft International Standard) Enquiry 31st March 2021 and International Standard 31st March 2022
Please contact Endre Jacobsen ([email protected]) if you have interest and are willing to contribute. Formal nomination will be through Standard Norge
Background and motivation for metering standardization can be found in presentation from ‘NFOGM temadag’ 2018
Other references