Category: News
Reminder – North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 26.-29. Oct 2020
This year the North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop will be an online virtual event. The virtual event will allow delegates to attend and hear presentations within virtual auditoriums, to network with delegates, and participate in discussion sessions on the latest developments. This will ensure that attendees can still connect and build relationships with the major … Continue reading
NFOGM Temadag 2020
The NFOGM Temadag 2020 was held on Teams today, Thursday 24 September 2020. 80 attendees participated in the virtual event! It was a dynamic event with good presentations and many questions from the audience. The presentations will be published here shortly!
Updated status of standardization work
Below is an update about ongoing standardization work by Endre Jacobsen, Specialist fiscal metering and allocation, Equinor.
NFOGM Temadag on Teams!
Welcome to the mini edition of NFOGM Temadag on Teams 24.09.2020! Read more here! or click on the link under Upcoming Events
Fiscal Gas Metering Station Uncertainty program – 2020 update
The Fiscal Gas Metering Station Uncertainty program is now updated and Microsoft Silverlight is no longer needed to run the application. Updated handook is also available. The updated application and handbook can be found at the Handbooks and uncertainty programs page. The Fiscal Oil Metering Station Uncertainty program is next in line for a similar … Continue reading
NFOGM Yearly Meeting in Teams
The NFOGM yearly meeting was organized as a Teams meeting on June 4th 2020. 37 members signed up for the meeting and 28 of them participated.
NFOGM Annual Meeting 2020
NFOGM Annual Meeting 2020 will be arranged Thursday June 4th at 1400 hours as an online meeting. Please enroll the meeting here.
Message from the Chairman
Styret i NFOGM hadde 12.3 et ekstraordinært styremøte der det ble besluttet å utsette Temadag og årsmøte 2020. Styret vil i stor grad fortsette arbeidet og holde styremøter som planlagt over Skype, men siden det ikke foreligger et godkjent budsjett for 2020 vil noen aktiviteter skyves på. Styret håper å kunne gjennomføre Temadag og … Continue reading
Hydrocarbon Management Workshop (HCM) is cancelled / postponed
Due to the Corona situation, The HCM committee has decided to postpone / cancel the Hydrocarbon Management Workshop which was planned to be held on 10 June 2020. The committee will post new dates for the workshop when the situation in Norway has normalized. Regards, The HCM committee
Temadag 2020 is cancelled / postponed
Due to the Corona situation, The NFOGM board held an extra board meeting today where Temadag 2020 and yearly meeting was on the agenda. The board has decided to postpone / cancel the NFOGM Temadag which was planned to be held on 26 March 2020. The Temadag and yearly meeting is postponed indefinitely. More … Continue reading
Hydrocarbon Management Workshop 2020
The 2020 Hydrocarbon Management Workshop will be held at the Scandic Stavanger Airport hotel on June 10, 2020. The workshop will cover a wide range of core allocation and associated topics. The final program will be published by mid March 2020. Link to the event!
37th NSFMW – A brief summary
The 36th North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop took place in Tønsberg, Norway, October 22-25 2019. The workshop had 235 participants, 22 presentations, 4 poster presentations and 21 exhibitors and sponsors. The award for best paper went to Stig Harald Gustavsen (AkerBP), Torbjørn Selanger (AkerBP) and Therese Renstrøm (Expert Analytics) for the presentation of paper: Parallel … Continue reading
Papers from NSFMW 2018 and 2019 available
The papers from the 2018 and 2019 NSFMW are now available. Posters and available PowerPoint presentations will be published soon.
Roar Stormoen – 30 years in Krohne
The board of NFOGM was made aware that Roar Stormoen has a 30-year anniversary as an employee of Krohne. Roar has been an important contributor to both Krohne and the measurement community for many years. We had a chat with the jubilant in connection with NSFMW 2019. Roar was hired as a newly trained automation … Continue reading
38th NSFMW – Call for abstracts
The 2019 North Sea Measurement Flow Workshop is barely over and the workshop for 2020 is already in the making. The committee for the 2020 NSFMW call for abstracts. The committee is interested in papers representing all aspects of flow measurement, however the following topics are particularly relevant: – New technology to market with case … Continue reading
Annual Meeting 2020
NFOGM Annual Meeting, Clarion Bergen Airport Hotel, March 26th. Online booking is open.
Reminder – 37th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
The 37th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop will take place in Tønsberg Norway 22-25 October 2019. Don’t forget to sign up!
Revision of ISO 5167 – Call for experts
Participating member countries in ISO TC30/SC2 are asked to nominate experts for contribution in working group (WG11) for the upcoming revision of the ISO 5167. Document N548 has been issued by ISO/TC 30/SC2 to be responded by national body (Standard Norge) before 18th September 2019. Firm confirmation about participation should be in place within 11th … Continue reading
Presentations Temadag 2019
The presentations from Temadag 2019 is now available.
NFOGM Annual Meeting Document
NFOGM Annual Meeting Document 2019 NFOGM Strategic Plan