01 Recent operator initiativs to improve the perforance of wet gas ……_Total Enrgies_ M. Loustau
03 A new correlation for vertical Venturi tubes in wet-gas flow_TUVNEL_Chinello
05 How to give specifications of a flow meter in a precise and useful way-NSFMW 2021 _ Frøysa
06 Proving ultrasonic flowmeters with small volume provers _Krohne_Dick Laan
07 Challenges of designing a CT metering systems for CO2_Hilko Hollander
08 Meeting the Challenges of CO2 Measurement with a new kind of Orifice Meter _Accord _Stokton
09 Flow meter performance under CO2 gaseous conditions _ DNV _ Putten
11 Gas Flow Tracability for non-conventional and rendewable gases_PTB_Jos van der Grinten
12 JIP results renewable gases_ DNV_RIezebos
15 Setting up a fit for purpose well testing environment in PETRONAS _ Adrie Ahmad
16 How to reduce OPEX _ Bruno Pinguet, TUVNEL
17 Multiphase Metering Using a Dual Frequency Coriolis Mass Flow Meter_Aramco _ Mahalingam
18 Non-Radioactive Multiphase Flowmeter for Quantifying Solid Particles _ ABBON_C. Agu
19 Gas USMs A Guide to Creating a Condition Based Monitoring System_Oil&Gas Authority_Arnould
20 Gas Coriolis performance on Renewables gases _Emerson_ Aart Preuysen
21 Towards the Unmanned Platform _ Jiskoot Solutions and Phillips 66
23 Impacts of metering technology, BS&W and temperature on the _Petrobras_Augusto Silva (1)
POSTER 1 Measuring Wet Gas Using an Adjustable Cone Meter – Saketh Mahalingam
POSTER 2 MPFM Bayesian Model for uncertainty-aware predictions _ Pietro Fiorentini_E. Feltresi
POSTER 3 Differences in uncertainty calculations of gas parameters ….Emerson _ Otilia Dinu
POSTER 4 Digital Transformation – GC and Measurement Validation_Anwar Sutan
POSTER 5 LNG quality release software based on on-line instrumentation and automated _KROHNE
POSTER 6 A new geometrical approach to measure two-phase flow by means
POSTER 7 Enhanced Quadrature Design _P Arnauld